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  1. BugCatcherRyan

    Level 30 Attack Technique Disk Banners

    They're some of the rarest drops, I agree.
  2. BugCatcherRyan

    Character Choice

    From experience, HUcaseal is probably the best purple character, especially if you spend a bunch of time getting a double cannon. Good luck!
  3. BugCatcherRyan

    Miku's tradelist

    I'll take the Guren. Hit me up in a dm or on Discord Bug Catcher Ryan#9356
  4. BugCatcherRyan

    PC> Lower hit excals.

    I bought a 0/30/0/0|20 lame for 45pd a while back. I know lame is a little less valuable now, but I'm guessing that price would still be sort of accurate.
  5. BugCatcherRyan

    Ephineacon 2018: More Than Just a Meme

    It's the entire country away for me, but I'll probably buy a registration anyway because I <3 ephinea
  6. BugCatcherRyan

    The Definitive Section ID topic (for Ephinea!)

    Yo thanks, I was surprised when you said 24 hours, it seems like a pretty big undertaking. Thanks for even taking a look though, I appreciate it.
  7. BugCatcherRyan

    The Definitive Section ID topic (for Ephinea!)

    My FOnewearl playing friend refuses to even start playing on this server until you fix up this guide! Hurry, a man's enjoyment of PSO is on the line!
  8. BugCatcherRyan

    Longtime player looking for help

    Thanks for your replies, friends! I used to play mostly only with my good friend, but now I plan on playing a lot more solo. I was lightly considering RAcast or RAcaseal, especially since Hunters have been somewhat lackluster late game in my experience. Skyly does seem like it'd be a good id on...
  9. BugCatcherRyan

    Longtime player looking for help

    Hi, I'm Ryan and I've played PSO extensively on Gamecube and PSOBB on SCHTHACK and also Ultima. I've poured a ton of time into this game, and me and a friend were thinking of starting up again on this server as it seems pretty true to the original game. In the past, I had a ton of time to pour...