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  1. BugCatcherRyan

    B> FOmar gear

    Hey, I got the striker of chao figured out but I'd probably be down to buy the girasole since I've only got 0'd ones. Shoot me a pm here or on discord and we'll meet up!
  2. BugCatcherRyan

    B> FOmar gear

    I currently need: Magical Piece Gifoie merge Gizonde merge Send me a PM or hit me up on discord Bug Catcher Ryan#9356
  3. BugCatcherRyan

    Christmas 2018 Event Thread

    I may have made what sounded like a shitpost immediately after this thread went up but I'm actually super stoked about this event!
  4. BugCatcherRyan

    Christmas 2018 Event Thread

    Anime gonna be busy
  5. BugCatcherRyan

    Maintenance concluded for October 6th, 2018 at 17:00 UTC

    Excited to hunt Liberta Kit in NOT PoD!
  6. BugCatcherRyan

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

  7. BugCatcherRyan

    Important Lobby Issues

    Wait hold on the lobbies are section ID themed?
  8. BugCatcherRyan

    PSO Acronym & Terms Guide (Work In progress!!)

    R4td - Reach for the Dream JF - John Fist dfing - resta plz JFF - John F. Fist
  9. BugCatcherRyan

    PSO Acronym & Terms Guide (Work In progress!!)

    I'm not even joking when I say you should mention that "w" is just an equivalent to "lol" since so many people use it (u fkn nerd) I had a friend who wondered what that meant for like a year
  10. BugCatcherRyan

    Hunter's guide (WIP)

    <3 this. Thanks bud. A lot of these things (like snap targeting) seem natural to someone who's been playing the game forever but is crazy not obvious to players who haven't been playing hunter for a long time.
  11. BugCatcherRyan

    Hi mom

  12. BugCatcherRyan

    B>Machine Calibur

    Looking for a good calibur to turn into a df to finish my set. Looking for 50+ hit, and ideally one with Native and Machine. Have the following to trade: v502 x2 v101 Smartlink PDs Calibur [25/0/0/25|55] Send me a message on the forums, or dm me on discord: Bug Catcher Ryan#9356...
  13. BugCatcherRyan

    Quick question - Quick answer

    You should give it to me for free, I'll just take it off your hands ;) On the real, that would make an excellent df and and I think you should go for it.
  14. BugCatcherRyan

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Just when I thought I was done
  15. BugCatcherRyan

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Some pretty sweet recent finds, it's also my first HS ;)