Search results

  1. R

    B> Azure Mag - 2 PD [Closed]

    Oh great, thank you. I'll respond to your DM to sort out meeting up.
  2. R

    B> Azure Mag - 2 PD [Closed]

    Do you have an azure mag? I would like to buy a baby mag (though non-baby may work too) in this Ephinea exclusive color. Please reply or DM me on the forums here. Thank you.
  3. R

    S> Mag kit - 15 PD [Closed]

    Lowering price to 15 PD.
  4. R

    S> Mag kit - 15 PD [Closed]

    Price lowered to 17 PD from 20.
  5. R

    S> Mag kit - 15 PD [Closed]

    Make your Mag look like a Mag with this Mag kit! If you're interested in purchasing this item, please reply or DM me here. Thank you.
  6. R

    A> Final Impact [0/20/0/0|90] (Closed@24PD)

    I don't have Discord, but I'll shoot you a DM here when I'm hopping on.
  7. R

    A> Final Impact [0/20/0/0|90] (Closed@24PD)

    Thank you for bidding and congrats to Googolbonker, you've won the action @24 PDs! I'll be available to coordinate a little later this evening.
  8. R

    A> Final Impact [0/20/0/0|90] (Closed@24PD)

    CHB @21 and reset to end tomorrow morning at 8:10 a.m. PDT. I'll keep watching and updating the title of this thread, and reset the timer per forum rules, but I may opt to "like" new bids (if any) rather than reply after each. Thank you.
  9. R

    A> Final Impact [0/20/0/0|90] (Closed@24PD)

    CHB @20, to close tonight at 8:40 p.m. PDT, thank you.
  10. R

    A> Final Impact [0/20/0/0|90] (Closed@24PD)

    Thank you, CHB now @15 and set to close tomorrow night at 5:30 p.m. PDT. Also as an update, I have acquired V101.
  11. R

    A> Final Impact [0/20/0/0|90] (Closed@24PD)

    Thank you both for the bids. CHB @12 to end after 9 a.m. PDT tomorrow morning. Certainly. Weapons that FOmar can equip with high hit would be preferred, but I'm also missing armor like Dress Plate, Ignition Cloak, and Select Cloak, and the barrier Gifoie Merge. I don't expect bidding to get...
  12. R

    A> Final Impact [0/20/0/0|90] (Closed@24PD)

    CHB @10 to end at 9:50 p.m. PDT, thank you.
  13. R

    A> Final Impact [0/20/0/0|90] (Closed@24PD)

    Thank you, you've got the CHB @5PD, set to end at 8:50 p.m. PDT tomorrow night.
  14. R

    A> Final Impact [0/20/0/0|90] (Closed@24PD)

    Minimum bid: 5 PD Reset: 24 hours Wants: PD, PC 1:1 or cookies 4:1 If you've got good FO stuff, I'll consider that too. Thanks for looking!
  15. R

    S> Ophelie Seize [0/15/0/0|30] - Closed

    Please reply or PM me here if interested. Trade offers for FO things of equivalent value also considered. Thank you. edit: price lowered from 10 to 6 PD.
  16. R

    S> Red Sword [0/15/20/0|35] - 15 PD

    This has been sold to rodsaid, thank you.
  17. R

    S> Red Sword [0/15/20/0|35] - 15 PD

    Hopefully a HU who'd like one of these. Please reply here or PM. Price guide says 15–20, but I'd also give you 4 PDs and the sword for a V101. Open to trades of equivalent value that FOmar can use. I especially like P-Arm's Blades, Twin Chakram, and Zero Divide. Thanks for looking.