Search results

  1. R

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Perfect Frame (Slots: 4) (DFP+4 EVP+2) A perfect Perfect Frame dropped.
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    B> Common Slicer 50/0/50/0|50 - Done@2 PD

    Amazing, thank you!
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    B> Common Slicer 50/0/50/0|50 - Done@2 PD

    Edited post for clarity. Maybe somebody has this already from Restless Lion. I want to make a Rainbow Baton specifically for VR: Space. Did some damage and accuracy (with sns glitch) math and this would work for me.
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    B> Common Slicer 50/0/50/0|50 - Done@2 PD

    B> Common slicer with 50/0/50/0|50 or 0/0/50/50|50 for 2 PD or more for better stats. Please DM or reply here on the forums, thank you.
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    A> Cross Scar [0/0/15/0|75] Done@3

    Congratulations Varista! You've won the action. I'll DM you here to schedule the trade.
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    A> Cross Scar [0/0/15/0|75] Done@3

    Thank you for your bid Varista. This auction is now scheduled to end a bit before this time tomorrow.
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    A> Cross Scar [0/0/15/0|75] Done@3

    A bit less than 12 hours left.
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    A> Cross Scar [0/0/15/0|75] Done@3

    Thank you for your bid Bnasty. Countdown 48 hours from now—good luck!
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    A> Cross Scar [0/0/15/0|75] Done@3

    Minimum bid: 1 PD Countdown: 48 hours Wants: PD, but not picky Thank you for viewing this auction. I'm hoping to unite this Cross Scar with a hunter who can use it! I'll accept these items at the following values: - PC 1:1 - Coal 8:1 - TP mat 3:1 - Present 1:5 - (Event) Hell Handgun...
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    A> Cannon Rouge [0/0/0/0|30] Closed@25

    Congratulations Ryojin, you've won the auction at 25 PD! I'll message you here for pickup.
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    A> Cannon Rouge [0/0/0/0|30] Closed@25

    Closing in a little under 5 hours if there are no further bids.
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    A> Cannon Rouge [0/0/0/0|30] Closed@25

    Thank you for your bid. If there are no further bids, 25 PD takes it tomorrow at 10 p.m. PST.
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    A> Cannon Rouge [0/0/0/0|30] Closed@25

    No bids were made in 24 hours, so I have adjusted the minimum bid from 30 PD down to 25 PD. Also cleaned up wants. If no bids are made by at 6 p.m. PST tomorrow night, I may take this auction down for a later date.
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    A> Cannon Rouge [0/0/0/0|30] Closed@25

    Minimum bid: 25 PD Countdown: 24 hours Wants: PD Thanks for looking!
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    Ephinea Christmas 2024 Event Thread

    Berserk TypeGU/Mechgun [0/0/0/0|35] - Ultimate
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    The Mag Workshop [Closed Until Further Notice]

    paging: @DangerDan
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    B> Heart of DB's Saber [Closed@50]

    Been a week so I'll bump this post. Still looking, thank you. edit: huge thank you to LARCADE and Alba, my quest for a Heart of DB's Saber is over.
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    The Mag Workshop [Closed Until Further Notice]

    Sato successfully secured, great service, thanks again.
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    B> Heart of DB's Saber [Closed@50]

    The sound design of Excalibur just isn't for me. "Bark, bark bark," that's what I hear. Please reply or DM here to sell me your Heart of DB's Saber and save me from this cacophony. Thank you.
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    The Mag Workshop [Closed Until Further Notice]

    Hello and thank you for this service! I would like to place an order please. The Details Mag: Sato Colour: Yellow Level: 100 Stats: 44/0/6/50