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  1. Neirene

    CCA Problem

    In the JP official server the gates switches of CCA resets on "free roaming" everytime you create a brand new room regarless of your level or your progress with goverment quests.
  2. Neirene

    Where do I get an "Item Ticket"?

    The item exists in the game, but of course the way they used to distribute it was as a serial code included in the box of the retail version. Maybe Sodaboy can make an event or something were we can all get this item and use it for that quest.
  3. Neirene

    Where do I get an "Item Ticket"?

    The Item Ticket quest was a special exchange quest that was available in the Japanese servers for the players that purchased the boxed retail version of PSOBB EPIV, this ticket item allows you to get many bonus joke weapons and mag units as well and this is the quest were you used it to get the...
  4. Neirene

    Quest metadata queries

    "A Dangerous Deal with Black Paper" was the official one
  5. Neirene

    Quest metadata queries

    I agree with Aleron I like very much the "Black Paper's Even more Dangerous Deal" as a proposal for the english title of this quest. It was never released in the US was only available on the japanese servers.
  6. Neirene

    Regarding the Red Ring and Parasite Gene Flow items

    Sorry it's actually just a shield, Dark Falz Shield Ôò¼├║(├ö├½┬║├ö├╗┬ó├ö├½┬¬) I remember they added those brand new monster shields and DF had one of them, you could also get a De Rol Le one I got it but I think it was very ugly so i traded it for something else back in the day lol
  7. Neirene

    Regarding the Red Ring and Parasite Gene Flow items

    In the japanese wikis they managed to update the drop charts shortly before the closure of PSOBB in the Japanese servers here you have the link with the drops for both monsters in ULT mode. ... 5%B9%A5%C8 we pay close attention to this two rows: Olga...
  8. Neirene

    Noob-friendly executable patching tool, CreateTethEXE

    A little warning for everyone, please don't use the asmpatch function as it breaks the game client, this feature needs further testing! Hopefully Sodaboy will be able to upload an updated version for this tool soon. In the meanwhile just patch as usual without using the asm text file!
  9. Neirene

    Regarding Section IDs

    I really like the measures taken in the points A and B to avoid people cheating the Section ID system, however I must disagree with the other two points, sure it looks silly for people to have names with spaces and weird letters to find the section ID they want to play with but I beleive it's...
  10. Neirene

    Regarding the Red Ring and Parasite Gene Flow items

    I would vote No on this one, mainly because I go for the complete SEGA-hardcore-like experience. And because those items were never intended to be in the game in the first place, enabling them and trying to balance them somehow would require extra work for the admins and developers of the server...
  11. Neirene

    Noob-friendly executable patching tool, CreateTethEXE

    Soly, i just recompiled everything with the new BB tables and with the version string corrected too and it works now!
  12. Neirene

    Noob-friendly executable patching tool, CreateTethEXE

    Thanks a lot Sodaboy!! however i've been testing this exe in a little server I set a home and its not connecting, I already configured the settings in the ini but is not connecting at all. The server distributables i'm using are the MySQL version ones you posted in the setup topic. Probably...
  13. Neirene

    Noob-friendly executable patching tool, CreateTethEXE

    Could you please add to the paremeters in the configuration the posibility to enable/disable the japanese IME input for JP users as well? Currently is not possible to type in Japanese with your client. Cheers!