Search results

  1. Zethor

    Zethor's Haphazard Trash Pile

    S> Main junk M&80 Vise +4 (0/25/20/0/35) Diska of Braveman +9 (0/0/0/15/15) Frozen Shooter (20/0/0/0) Frozen Shooter (0/25/0/0) Storm Wand Indra (15/0/0/0) Red Saber (20/30/0/0) Heaven Striker +20 (0/0/15/0) Rati [10/140/50/0] Photon Crystal x2 Addslot x7 Amps Rafoie Barta Zonde Shifta The...
  2. Zethor

    "Mysterious weapon" descriptions CONTEST (contest is over)

    I thought for sure usagi would win, that pun was hilarious. Cool to see I pulled through; thanks again for the competition idea! Even if there weren't a lot of submissions, the ones we got were fun!
  3. Zethor

    "Mysterious weapon" descriptions CONTEST (contest is over)

    Game Magazine "A work of satire documenting the universe as if it were a game. Made for reading, not for combat."