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  • Taking a short break. I've had no luck at all over the past weeks and I am kinda frustrated because of that. (Continued in replies.)
    I might be online for a couple games every once in a while, but not to the extent that I was the past weeks.
    Feels like PSO is playing me instead of me playing PSO atm - and that's not good. Cya guys around! I will be back in full Force soon.
    Deleted member 193
    This is why I like the spirit special. Even if I'm finding LITERALLY NOTHING, I still get a guaranteed 2-3 PDs per stack of meseta for picking up all the useless shit and NPCing it. Try some easier hunts with side-drops like PCs D:
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    Reactions: JayD-X
    Eis, where are you? I miss ya. :(
    Real life is still kinda busy, but it's slowly getting better. You might see me online soon, though. :3
    Ah, grats on that PGF! :D
    Great to hear, I'll be around too ! I'm not much on PSO for the moment but I may play more when Easter come. :P
    I'm always on discord, btw. If you ever want to talk a bit. :P
    Real life is tough at the moment. I am going to play a lot less over the next few days - maybe even weeks. I can't really say.
    Eismaschine (too long), Eistüte (ü! so special!), Eistorte, Eisbecher, Eisbrecher, EisEisBaby, Eisvogel,...
    I'd love to rename my FOmar to Eisbecher! D: Eistüte is also cool, but the "ü" will lead to tons of confusion! ^^ Eistorte is great, too! Never thought of that one... =)
    hi, ich bin neu hier kenn das spiel von "früher" und wurde nostalgisch beim Xenoblade zocken xD
    aufjedenfall dacht ich es wär nett wenn ich jemand hätt der das mit mir zockt der mich versteht xD
    ich würd mich freuen wenn du lust hättest, schreib mir hier einfach oder ingame =
    Name: LocknLoad
    lvl 5 RAmarl
    On holiday from July 30th to August 11th - so no Eistee, Eiskaffee or Eiswind online during that time. You guys have fun! =)
    Sound cutout, then game freeze immediately after. Might as well have been another "psobb.exe has stopped working". PSO isn't liking me today. >.<
    Anywho, g'night Eistee! I'm gonna take a break from PSO myself too.
    I have two 15% Hit Madam's Umbrella up for grabs for free! Meseta donations are welcome, but not needed. PM me and we'll arrange something!
    If someone wants a Madam's Umbrella - I have some for free. Meseta donations are always welcome, though! =)
    Thomas Gottschalk would have said: "topp die wette gilt xD"
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    Reactions: Eistee
    I kind of want one but I think I either need to gain 100+ levels or make a POW mag before my FOney can equip it. >.<
    would love to have one for my huney if you have them to spare :)
    1/46 is worse than one might think.
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    Reactions: Spuz
    hehe, 1/46 is just the possibility that you might have another umbrella to give away:/ Could calculate the possibility of an hit weapon*droprate= and thats the chance of a hit umbrella? But of course your next one can drop with mhh 95 hit?Oo
    I've personally gotten up to 55 hit items in VH so its possible yes. :p
    Yes, easily! And I find hit weapons during this hunt all the time, so the stats are there - they just don't want to go on the Umbrella!
    Every 20th weapon comes with hit, so... still quite a few Umbrellas to go.
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