lol you guys definately dont absorb the fires.
(half of canada is usually on fire)
but no i was jus sayin that cause I seen a crazy article yesterday about the fires and then i thought of the hurricanes and worried about the people over there holding down the fort. n.n
Yeah, Oregon is having a hell of a fire right now, but they get 0 media coverage since all eyes are on the hurricane. I was reading an article on it that was really trying to prove that climate change is the culprit, and the scientist being interviewed was like "um, who gives a shit, THIS IS SERIOUS!"
I knew one of those states under me was on fire - skys been red the past few days and theres an endless grey cloud (smoke?) over the city (province maybe?)
"Like"... wait, no I don't like that you are getting smoked out (in a bad way), "unlike". We had constant smoke from the Ponderosa fire for about a week, can finally enjoy being outside again
yeah i remember a little while back fort mcmurray got burned something like 75% (some crazy high percent) of the infrastructure was damaged either by heat and fires or smoke damage - I hope the states are able to put the fires out before they get to close to the cities or a lot of people could lose their properties and lively hoods in it.