Is there a way to silence Shifta/Deband with mods?

You will have to replace the sound files by yourself, with a silent sound for example or any sound of your choice.

I think the files you are looking for are in Ephinea/Data/Sound/common.pac.

You would have to open the file with PAC manager, replace the sounds and then save the new modified .pac.
Tofuman made a tutorial on how to mod pac files here:

PAC files
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I'm not sure if anyone will find this useful/convenient but I ended up turning the sounds of Shifta + Deband casting and pulse sounds way down. In case someone doesn't feel like editing the common.pac file then I thought I'd share mine with those sounds lowered:

As well, if you prefer to do it yourself but don't want to scrub through the sounds finding them, here are the wav files I used:

Can anyone here direct me to where the file is stored for the effect? What I need to do to edit it? I would love to make it transparent so its not blinking in my face 24/7. I would just like to have the sound.
Can anyone here direct me to where the file is stored for the effect? What I need to do to edit it? I would love to make it transparent so its not blinking in my face 24/7. I would just like to have the sound.
Put particleentry.dat from the attached zip into EphineaPSO/data

This file should exist there or inside EphineaPSO/data/data.gsl for the default. There is a free tool somewhere on this forum to extract GSL files. Alternatively, newserv can extract these too.

There is an ancient particle editor by Lee somewhere, I don't remember where I got it (probably one of old skin websites). It has all of the fields labeled incorrectly but the data is still editable. Anyway, particles 28 and 508 are the Shifta and Deband particles on players. There are other particles used when casting SD (the ground ones showing the range) but I think you may not want remove those because they can be helpful.

This doesn't remove the JZ particles cast on enemies or players. But I think that's not nearly as annoying and probably more important to keep.


Ok! Thank you. I will check it out!
Works perfect! Is it possible to disable the light effect on your character from the effect? It still shows my character being lite by the tech.
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