Non-rare drop rate


Hi all !

I've search for many hours in the Wiki without finding an answer...
What are the non-rare drop charts ? I mean... where can I find items like daggers, stick, armor etc... ?

Some items have the item box drop chart in their Wiki page, some other are empty.
I'm looking to know since which area and difficulties can I have a chance to drop the normal non-rare weapons, armors and shields.

If anyone know... thanks a lot :)
The weapons page has some availability info for common weapons:
The weapon types section might answer some of your questions.

The weapon drop tables also show you which ID is more likely to drop what type of common weapon:

As for barriers and frames, I think we unfortunately don't have much information on that. Probably because low level armor is not something people ever hunt for.
Yes, I've already seen that, but I'm looking for the "green" and "blue" normal weapons informations.
On the Wiki, only Saber and Brand have a page, other weapons are empty.
Yes, I've already seen that, but I'm looking for the "green" and "blue" normal weapons informations.
On the Wiki, only Saber and Brand have a page, other weapons are empty.
Green and blue are going to drop in normal and hard difficulties. Weapons drops are frequently hunted and there are reliable methods. Mainly this is always done in Ultimate and Anguish difficulty though. You reset the claws at the beginning of EN4 with a force because they drop common weaps. From there you just need to be on whichever ID drops the weapon type you want more often
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Yes, I've already seen that, but I'm looking for the "green" and "blue" normal weapons informations.
On the Wiki, only Saber and Brand have a page, other weapons are empty.
All weapons with all photon tiers have a page. In the case of Sabers if you scroll down, you will find the Guide box with links to the other tiers and related pages. It's true though that information on where each photon tier common weapon specifically drops is missing, seems like it's only complete for saber type weapons.
It's complete for sabers because anything other than sabers, handguns, and canes have an insanely complicated list of drops. It's on my list of things to add to the wiki someday™.

In the meantime, yeah, check the weapon drop table article that was posted. Sorry!