Please use Discord for all communications.
I will not reply to forum emails or replies. It is way to difficult to arrange a trade without instant communication I will make an exception only if the purchase is for multiple Photon Hoards in value otherwise it is way to much of a headache.
Discord: Rolo.Ren
Typical Shop Hours : 3:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST Check the time it is for me here :
Feel free to send a message outside of store hours I will respond the moment I see it and address your order.
Accepted Currency: Photon Drops , Photon Hoards . (If an item is listed as meseta I will accept meseta but I really have no use for it)
Enjoy some Umineko Music while browsing my tradelist :
Charge Vulcan +3 [0/0/0/0|50] X 93 1 PD /Each
Arms +9 [Charge] [0/0/0/5|50] x28 1 PD
Red Ring* [24/85] [4/25] (Green paint, but can restore to Red if needed) 50 PD Reserved
Adept 36 PD
1 PD (each) Meta Gear Amazing for Beginners. Increase your Damage and Utility for only 1 PD! (Each of these items is 1 PD each)
50 Hit Charge Vulcan +3 [0/0/0/0|50] 1 PD
50 Hit Arms +9 [Charge] [0/0/0/5|50] 1 PD
0 Hit Slicer of Fanatic 1 PD
0 Hit Daylight Scar 1 PD
Glide Divine 1 PD
Solferino 1 PD
0 Hit Frozen Shooter 1 PD
0 Hit Baranz Launcher x8 1 PD
0 Hit Rambling May 1 PD
Yata Mirror 1 PD
Cure/Paralysis x8 1 PD
Cure/Slow x6 1 PD
Cure/Confuse x3 1 PD
Cure/Freeze x0 1 PD - Out of Stock
Cure/Shock x5 1 PD
Devil/Technique x0 250k Meseta - Out of Stock
Divine Protection x2 2 PD
Heavenly/Battle 1 PD - Out of Stock
Heavenly/Mind 1 PD - Out of Stock
Heavenly/Arms x2 3 PD - Out of Stock
Heavenly/Ability X3 2 PD
Heavenly/Power X0 1 PD Out of Stock
Heavenly/TP 250k Meseta
Limiter 26 PD - Out of stock
V502 x3 26 PD
V501 3 PD - Out of Stock
PB/Create x3 1 PD
AddSlot x0 2 for 1 PD - Out of Stock
Power Material x0 - 6 PD per 99 - Out Of stock
Mind Material x0 - 3 PD per 99 - Out Of stock
HP Material x0 - 6 PD Per 99 - Out Of stock
TP Material x30 - 1 PD = 3 Mats - stockpiling and reserving for someone
Luck mats X52 3 for 1 PD
Def Material x171 - 2 PD Per 99 Mats
Magic Rock "Moola" x3 250k Meseta
Star Amplifier x5 250k Meseta
Parts of Egg Blaster x2 250k Meseta
Heart of Angel 2 PD - out of stock
Kit of Mark III 2 PD
Tablet x2 250k Meseta
Amitie's Memo x3 7 PD
Stealth Kit x7 4 PD
Item Ticket x0 2 PD - Out of Stock
HUmar/RAmar Tech sets (contains all Attack Techniques Lv15 + Resta Lv15 + Anti LV5 + Ryuker + Shifta, Deband, Jellen & Zalure Lv15) X 0 - 3 PD -OOS
HUnewearl/ RAmarl Tech sets (contains all Attack Techniques Lv20 + Resta Lv20 + Anti LV7 + Ryuker + Shifta, Deband, Jellen & Zalure Lv20) X 4 - 4 PD
Force Tech Set (contains all Attack Techniques Lv29 and all Level 30 support + Anti LV7 + Ryuker + Reverser (with level 26 grants and megid) X 1 - 7 PD
Grants Lv28 x2 - 2 PD
Grants Lv29 x0 - 3 PD - Out of stock
Megid Lv27 x7 - 1 PD
Megid Lv28 x3 - 2 PD
Megid Lv29 x0 - 3 PD - Out of Stock
Event Commons
TypeDS/Rod [Devils] [0/0/0/0|30] x2 2 PD
TypeGU/Hand [Hell] [0/0/0/0|40] 8 PD
TypeGU/Hand [Charge] [0/0/0/0|40] x5 5 PD
TypeGU/Hand [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|40] x7 3 PD
TypeGU/Mechgun [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|35] x3 5 PD
TypeME/Mechgun [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|40] x4 5 PD
TypeSH/Shot [Charge] [0/0/0/0|40] x4 4 PD
TypeSH/Shot [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|40] x1 4 PD
Enemy Parts + Completed Weapons
Gi Gue Bazooka [Seize] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 2 PD
G-Assassin's Sabers [Arrest] [0/0/0/0|0] x3 2 PD
S-beat's Arms x2 1 PD
Delsaber's Left Arm x3 2 PD
Parts of Baranz x8 1 PD
Belra's Right Arm 2 PD
Gi Gue's Body x5 2 PD
Sinow Berill's Arms x13 2 PD
Grass Assassin's Arms 2 PD
Berill Photon x3 7 PD
Common Weapons
Charge Vulcan +3 [0/0/0/0|50] X 93 1 PD /Each
Arms +9 [Charge] [0/0/0/5|50] x28 1 PD
Gungnir +5 [Charge] [50/0/0/0|45] x1 1 PD
Diska +1 [30/0/0/0|65] 1 PD
Diska +1 [Charge] [0/0/5/0|50] 1 PD
Raygun +5 [0/0/0/0|70] 2 PD
Raygun +15 [Blizzard] [0/40/40/0|55] 2 PD
Raygun +3 [Arrest] [0/0/0/0|45] 1 PD
Raygun [Arrest] [0/50/0/0|45] 1 PD
Raygun +1 [Arrest] [0/45/35/0|45] 1 PD
Raygun +1 [Riot] [0/0/0/0|75] 3 PD
Raygun +2 [Charge] [0/0/0/45|45] 1 PD
Raygun +6 [Spirit] [0/40/0/0|45] 1 PD
Raygun +1 [Spirit] [25/0/0/0|55] 2 PD
Raygun +1 [Demons] [0/0/0/0|45] 1 PD
Raygun +2 [Demons] [0/0/0/0|45] 1 PD
Raygun +15 [Demons] [0/0/35/45|50] 2 PD
Laser +6 [Spirit] [0/0/30/0|50] 1 PD
Laser +3 [Berserk] [0/0/0/40|50] 1 PD
Laser +7 [Demons] [0/0/0/15|50] 2 PD
Arms +3 [0/0/0/20|60] 3 PD
Arms +2 [0/0/35/0|60] 4 PD
Arms +6 [0/0/30/0|65] 5 PD
Arms +4 [Burning] [40/0/0/0|60] 4 PD
Club [Thunder] [0/25/0/0|65] 1 PD
Striker [Kings] [45/0/0/25|0] 1 PD
Striker [Kings] [0/0/0/0|45] 1 PD
Hunter Weapons
Chain Sawd [Gush] [0/0/35/20|15] 2 PD
Chain Sawd [Gush] [0/0/25/0|20] 3 PD
Chain Sawd [Gush] [0/25/15/0|20] 3 PD
Chain Sawd [Gush] [30/20/0/0|20] 3 PD
Daylight Scar [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Daylight Scar [Berserk] [0/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Daylight Scar [Berserk] [20/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Daylight Scar [Berserk] [0/40/0/0|0] 1 PD
L&K38 Combat [Burning] [0/0/0/0|15] 2 PD
Meteor Cudgel [Blizzard] [40/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Meteor Cudgel [Blizzard] [25/0/0/30|0] 1 PD
Monkey King Bar [Devils] [0/0/0/0|15] 3 PD
Monkey King Bar [Devils] [30/0/0/15|15] 3 PD
Girasole [0/0/0/0|30] 8 PD
Girasole [0/20/0/0|30] 8 PD
Guren [Burning] [0/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Guren [Burning] [0/25/0/15|0] 1 PD
Guren [Burning] [15/35/0/0|0] 1 PD
Rika's Claw [Tempest] [0/0/10/0|0] 1 PD
Rika's Claw [Tempest] [0/20/0/0|0] 1 PD
Rika's Claw [Tempest] [0/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Rika's Claw [Tempest] [0/35/0/45|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/5/5|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/0/10|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [15/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/10/0/10|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [20/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/20/0|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/0/25|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [10/0/0/25|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/20/20/0|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [20/0/25/0|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [25/0/20/0|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [30/0/0/20|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/25/0/30|0] 1 PD
Zanba [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Ranger Weapons
Baranz Launcher 0H 1 PD
Frozen Shooter [35/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Maser Beam [0/0/10/5|0] 1 PD
Maser Beam [0/0/0/20|0] 1 PD
Maser Beam [15/0/0/25|0] 1 PD
Maser Beam [35/0/15/0|0] 1 PD
Maser Beam [30/0/20/0|0] 1 PD
Ophelie Seize [Chaos] [0/20/25/0|30] 8 PD
Panzer Faust [Chaos] [15/20/0/0|0] 2 PD
Panzer Faust [Chaos] [0/25/15/15|0] 2 PD
Force Weapons
Branch of Pakupaku [0/5/0/0|5] 1 PD
Branch of Pakupaku [0/20/0/20|20] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [5/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/0/5|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/10/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [20/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/5/20|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/15/15/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/35/0/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/25/0/15|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [40/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [15/0/0/30|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [10/10/40/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/15/0|15] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [15/0/0/0|20] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/0/0|25] 1 PD
Storm Wand: Indra [Storm] [0/0/15/0|0] 250k Meseta
Storm Wand: Indra [Storm] [0/0/20/0|0] 250k Meseta
Storm Wand: Indra [Storm] [15/0/0/0|15] 250k Meseta
Storm Wand: Indra [Storm] [15/0/0/0|20] 250k Meseta
Holy Ray [Arrest] [0/0/15/0|0] 1 PD
Holy Ray [Arrest] [0/0/0/30|0] 1 PD
Rambling May [Chaos] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Rambling May [Chaos] [0/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Rambling May [Chaos] [0/0/30/0|0] 1 PD
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [0/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [0/0/0/30|0] 1 PD
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [0/0/0/35|0] 1 PD
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [25/20/0/0|0] 1 PD
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [20/0/35/0|0] 1 PD
Striker of Chao [Arrest] [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Solferino [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Solferino [0/0/10/0|0] 1 PD
Solferino [0/0/15/0|0] 1 PD
Solferino [25/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Solferino [10/0/0/30|0] 1 PD
Vivienne [Heart] [0/20/0/0|0] 1 PD
Lames + Excaliburs
Lame d'Argent [0/0/0/0|0] 250K Meseta
Lame d'Argent [0/0/0/15|0] x2 1 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/15/0|0] x3 1 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/15/0/0|0] 1 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/30/0|0] 3 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/0/30|0] 3 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/35/0|0] 3.5 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/35/0/0|0] x3 3.5 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/0/35|0] 3 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/30/15|0] 3 PD
Armor + Barriers
Spirit Garment [6/7 | 1/5] [0S] 3 PD
Spirit Garment [7/7 | 4/5] [0S] 6 PD
Stink Frame [74/85 | 34/85] [4S] 5 PD
Attribute Plate [4/8 | 4/8] [1S] 1 PD
Guard Wave [21/50 | 2/20] [1S] 1 PD
DF Field [43/50 | 14/20] [2S] 7 PD
Luminous Field [47/50 | 18/20] [4S] 30 PD
Flame Garment [19/50 | 10/20] [3S] 3 PD
Flame Garment [27/50 | 11/20] [3S] 3 PD
Flame Garment [39/50 | 16/20] [0S] 3 PD
Electro Frame [24/50 | 19/20] [0S] 2 PD
Electro Frame [48/50 | 2/20] [2S] 17 PD
Smoking Plate [23/50 | 17/20] [0S] 1 PD
Smoking Plate [35/50 | 8/20] [3S] 3 PD
Smoking Plate [31/50 | 13/20] [0S] 1 PD
Smoking Plate [40/50 | 7/20] [0S] 2 PD
Morning Prayer [9/10 | 5/20] [0S] 5 PD
Morning Prayer [10/10 | 9/20] [0S] 7 PD
Morning Prayer [8/10 | 19/20] [0S] 5 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [8/10 | 1/10] [0S] 3 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [7/10 | 3/10] [1S] 3 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [9/10 | 2/10] [0S] 4 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [7/10 | 5/10] [0S] 3 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [7/10 | 5/10] [3S] 4 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [6/10 | 8/10] [0S] 3 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [7/10 | 7/10] [3S] 4 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [8/10 | 7/10] [1S] 4 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [7/10 | 8/10] [1S] 3 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [5/10 | 10/10] [3S] 2 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [8/10 | 10/10] [1S] 4 PD
Wedding Dress [0/0 | 0/0] [0S] x3 2 PD
Thirteen [7/8 | 0/8] [0S] 4 PD
Thirteen [7/8 | 7/8] [0S] 6 PD
Mother Garb [9/15 | 0/5] [0S] 3 PD
Mother Garb [12/15 | 1/5] [0S] 5 PD
Congeal Cloak [3/8 | 2/8] [1S] 2 PD
Congeal Cloak [4/8 | 2/8] [0S] 3 PD
Congeal Cloak [4/8 | 3/8] [0S] 3 PD
Congeal Cloak [4/8 | 3/8] [2S] 4 PD
Congeal Cloak [3/8 | 5/8] [1S] 2 PD
Congeal Cloak [3/8 | 8/8] [0S] 2 PD
Cursed Cloak [8/8 | 2/8] [0S] 8 PD
Samurai Armor [0/0 | 0/0] [0S] 1 PD
Invisible Guard [0/8 | 1/8] 1 PD
Invisible Guard [0/8 | 4/8] 1 PD
Invisible Guard [1/8 | 5/8] 1 PD
Light Relief [0/7 | 1/7] 1 PD
Light Relief [2/7 | 3/7] 1 PD
Shield of Delsaber [0/7 | 0/7] x2 2 PD
Flowen's Shield [1/10 | 5/10] 1 PD
Flowen's Shield [6/10 | 2/10] 1 PD
Flowen's Shield [4/10 | 4/10] 1 PD
Flowen's Shield [7/10 | 2/10] 1 PD
Flowen's Shield [10/10 | 3/10] 2 PD
Flowen's Shield [8/10 | 9/10] 1.5 PD
Flowen's Shield [10/10 | 0/10] x2 2 PD
Gods Shield "Genbu" [0/0 | 0/0] x2 1 PD
Gods Shield "Seiryu" [0/0 | 0/0] x2 1 PD
Rico's Earring [66/85 | 19/25] 5 PD
Rico's Earring [65/85 | 20/25] 5 PD
Secure Feet [37/50 | 9/15] 3 PD
Secure Feet [23/50 | 9/15] x2 2 PD
Recovery Barrier [0/5 | 0/5] 1 PD
Recovery Barrier [0/5 | 1/5] 1 PD
Blue Barrier [4/5 | 0/5] 1 PD
Blue Barrier [5/5 | 0/5] 1 PD
Blue Barrier [4/5 | 2/5] 1 PD
Blue Barrier [3/5 | 4/5] 1 PD
Blue Barrier [5/5 | 3/5] 2 PD
Blue Barrier [4/5 | 4/5] 2 PD
Yellow Barrier [3/5 | 0/5] 1 PD
Yellow Barrier [4/5 | 1/5] 1 PD
Yellow Barrier [5/5 | 0/5] 2 PD
Yellow Barrier [5/5 | 1/5] 2 PD
Gratia [20/20 | 5/15] 3 PD
Gratia [11/20 | 15/15] 1 PD
Gratia [15/20 | 15/15] 1 PD
Gratia [18/20 | 12/15] 2 PD
Gratia [18/20 | 13/15] 2 PD
Gratia [19/20 | 13/15] 2 PD
Gratia [15/20 | 11/15] x2 1 PD
Striker Plus [3/10 | 0/5] 2 PD
Striker Plus [3/10 | 3/5] 2 PD
Striker Plus [9/10 | 0/5] 2 PD
Striker Plus [1/10 | 1/5] x2 2 PD
Yata Mirror [10/20 | 5/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [12/20 | 3/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [12/20 | 4/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [15/20 | 2/25] 2 PD
Yata Mirror [17/20 | 1/25] 2 PD
Yata Mirror [16/20 | 3/25] 2 PD
Yata Mirror [11/20 | 13/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [20/20 | 4/25] 5 PD
Yata Mirror [13/20 | 12/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [14/20 | 13/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [9/20 | 19/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [16/20 | 12/25] 2 PD
Yata Mirror [19/20 | 12/25] 5 PD
Yata Mirror [12/20 | 19/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [16/20 | 17/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [12/20 | 21/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [15/20 | 20/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [19/20 | 25/25] 8 PD
Clair's Deal 5 + Forge Items
Agito (1975) [Dim] [0/0/0/0|0] 2 PD
Agito (1975) [Dim] [20/0/0/0|0] 2 PD
Agito (1975) [Dim] [30/0/15/15|0] 3 PD
Agito (1983) [Dim] [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1983) [Dim] [0/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1983) [Dim] [35/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1983) [Dim] [25/0/0/20|0] 1 PD
Agito (1983) [Dim] [0/30/0/0|15] 1 PD
Agito (2001) [Dim] [0/0/15/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (2001) [Dim] [10/10/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1980) [Dim] [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1980) [Dim] [0/15/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1980) [Dim] [25/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1980) [Dim] [50/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Agito (1980) [Dim] [0/0/0/0|25] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [15/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/15/0/20|0] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/40/0/0|0] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/0/25/35|0] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/0/0/20|15] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/0/0/0|25] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/20/0/15|30] 1 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/0/0/0|0] x4 2 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/0/0/20|0] 2 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/25/0/0|0] 2 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/0/0/30|0] 2 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/35/0/0|0] 2 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/25/30/0|0] 2 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/0/0/0|20] 2 PD
Brave Hammer [Spirit] [0/25/0/25|0] 1 PD
Brave Hammer [Spirit] [20/0/0/35|0] 1 PD
Brave Hammer [Spirit] [35/0/20/0|0] 1 PD
Brave Hammer [Spirit] [0/20/30/55|0] 1 PD
Brave Hammer [Spirit] [20/0/15/0|15] 1 PD
Brave Hammer [Spirit] [0/0/35/25|35] 3 PD
Delsaber's Buster [Storm] [0/0/0/0|0] 2 PD
Flame Visit [Havoc] [0/0/20/0|15] 1 PD
Flame Visit [Havoc] [30/0/15/0|30] 2 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [0/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [0/0/15/0|0] 1 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [0/0/15/20|0] 1 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [0/25/0/25|0] 1 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [20/30/20/0|0] 1 PD
Plantain Leaf [20/0/0/0|0] 2 PD
Plantain Leaf [0/0/0/30|0] 2 PD
Plantain Leaf [20/0/35/0|0] 2 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [0/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [15/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [20/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [0/0/0/40|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [20/0/0/20|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [35/20/0/0|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [0/25/0/0|15] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [0/0/0/20|25] 2 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [30/0/0/35|25] 2 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [10/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/0/0/10|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/10/20/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/15/15/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/35/0/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [20/15/0/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [15/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [25/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/0/0/15|15] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/20/0/0|15] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [20/0/0/0|20] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/30/15/0|25] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [20/0/25/0|25] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/10/0/0|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [10/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [15/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/0/15/0|0] x2 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [20/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/0/0/25|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/10/15/0|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/15/20/0|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [35/0/15/0|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/0/0/30|15] 1 PD
I will not reply to forum emails or replies. It is way to difficult to arrange a trade without instant communication I will make an exception only if the purchase is for multiple Photon Hoards in value otherwise it is way to much of a headache.
Discord: Rolo.Ren
Typical Shop Hours : 3:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST Check the time it is for me here :
Feel free to send a message outside of store hours I will respond the moment I see it and address your order.
Accepted Currency: Photon Drops , Photon Hoards . (If an item is listed as meseta I will accept meseta but I really have no use for it)
Enjoy some Umineko Music while browsing my tradelist :
Charge Vulcan +3 [0/0/0/0|50] X 93 1 PD /Each
Arms +9 [Charge] [0/0/0/5|50] x28 1 PD
Adept 36 PD
1 PD (each) Meta Gear Amazing for Beginners. Increase your Damage and Utility for only 1 PD! (Each of these items is 1 PD each)
50 Hit Charge Vulcan +3 [0/0/0/0|50] 1 PD
50 Hit Arms +9 [Charge] [0/0/0/5|50] 1 PD
0 Hit Slicer of Fanatic 1 PD
0 Hit Daylight Scar 1 PD
Glide Divine 1 PD
Solferino 1 PD
0 Hit Frozen Shooter 1 PD
0 Hit Baranz Launcher x8 1 PD
0 Hit Rambling May 1 PD
Yata Mirror 1 PD
Cure/Paralysis x8 1 PD
Cure/Slow x6 1 PD
Cure/Confuse x3 1 PD
Cure/Freeze x0 1 PD - Out of Stock
Cure/Shock x5 1 PD
Devil/Technique x0 250k Meseta - Out of Stock
Divine Protection x2 2 PD
Heavenly/Battle 1 PD - Out of Stock
Heavenly/Mind 1 PD - Out of Stock
Heavenly/Arms x2 3 PD - Out of Stock
Heavenly/Ability X3 2 PD
Heavenly/Power X0 1 PD Out of Stock
Heavenly/TP 250k Meseta
Limiter 26 PD - Out of stock
V502 x3 26 PD
V501 3 PD - Out of Stock
PB/Create x3 1 PD
AddSlot x0 2 for 1 PD - Out of Stock
Power Material x0 - 6 PD per 99 - Out Of stock
Mind Material x0 - 3 PD per 99 - Out Of stock
HP Material x0 - 6 PD Per 99 - Out Of stock
TP Material x30 - 1 PD = 3 Mats - stockpiling and reserving for someone
Luck mats X52 3 for 1 PD
Def Material x171 - 2 PD Per 99 Mats
Magic Rock "Moola" x3 250k Meseta
Star Amplifier x5 250k Meseta
Parts of Egg Blaster x2 250k Meseta
Heart of Angel 2 PD - out of stock
Kit of Mark III 2 PD
Tablet x2 250k Meseta
Amitie's Memo x3 7 PD
Stealth Kit x7 4 PD
Item Ticket x0 2 PD - Out of Stock
HUmar/RAmar Tech sets (contains all Attack Techniques Lv15 + Resta Lv15 + Anti LV5 + Ryuker + Shifta, Deband, Jellen & Zalure Lv15) X 0 - 3 PD -OOS
HUnewearl/ RAmarl Tech sets (contains all Attack Techniques Lv20 + Resta Lv20 + Anti LV7 + Ryuker + Shifta, Deband, Jellen & Zalure Lv20) X 4 - 4 PD
Force Tech Set (contains all Attack Techniques Lv29 and all Level 30 support + Anti LV7 + Ryuker + Reverser (with level 26 grants and megid) X 1 - 7 PD
Grants Lv28 x2 - 2 PD
Grants Lv29 x0 - 3 PD - Out of stock
Megid Lv27 x7 - 1 PD
Megid Lv28 x3 - 2 PD
Megid Lv29 x0 - 3 PD - Out of Stock
Event Commons
TypeDS/Rod [Devils] [0/0/0/0|30] x2 2 PD
TypeGU/Hand [Hell] [0/0/0/0|40] 8 PD
TypeGU/Hand [Charge] [0/0/0/0|40] x5 5 PD
TypeGU/Hand [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|40] x7 3 PD
TypeGU/Mechgun [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|35] x3 5 PD
TypeME/Mechgun [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|40] x4 5 PD
TypeSH/Shot [Charge] [0/0/0/0|40] x4 4 PD
TypeSH/Shot [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|40] x1 4 PD
Enemy Parts + Completed Weapons
Gi Gue Bazooka [Seize] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 2 PD
G-Assassin's Sabers [Arrest] [0/0/0/0|0] x3 2 PD
S-beat's Arms x2 1 PD
Delsaber's Left Arm x3 2 PD
Parts of Baranz x8 1 PD
Belra's Right Arm 2 PD
Gi Gue's Body x5 2 PD
Sinow Berill's Arms x13 2 PD
Grass Assassin's Arms 2 PD
Berill Photon x3 7 PD
Common Weapons
Charge Vulcan +3 [0/0/0/0|50] X 93 1 PD /Each
Arms +9 [Charge] [0/0/0/5|50] x28 1 PD
Gungnir +5 [Charge] [50/0/0/0|45] x1 1 PD
Diska +1 [30/0/0/0|65] 1 PD
Diska +1 [Charge] [0/0/5/0|50] 1 PD
Raygun +5 [0/0/0/0|70] 2 PD
Raygun +15 [Blizzard] [0/40/40/0|55] 2 PD
Raygun +3 [Arrest] [0/0/0/0|45] 1 PD
Raygun [Arrest] [0/50/0/0|45] 1 PD
Raygun +1 [Arrest] [0/45/35/0|45] 1 PD
Raygun +1 [Riot] [0/0/0/0|75] 3 PD
Raygun +2 [Charge] [0/0/0/45|45] 1 PD
Raygun +6 [Spirit] [0/40/0/0|45] 1 PD
Raygun +1 [Spirit] [25/0/0/0|55] 2 PD
Raygun +1 [Demons] [0/0/0/0|45] 1 PD
Raygun +2 [Demons] [0/0/0/0|45] 1 PD
Raygun +15 [Demons] [0/0/35/45|50] 2 PD
Laser +6 [Spirit] [0/0/30/0|50] 1 PD
Laser +3 [Berserk] [0/0/0/40|50] 1 PD
Laser +7 [Demons] [0/0/0/15|50] 2 PD
Arms +3 [0/0/0/20|60] 3 PD
Arms +2 [0/0/35/0|60] 4 PD
Arms +6 [0/0/30/0|65] 5 PD
Arms +4 [Burning] [40/0/0/0|60] 4 PD
Club [Thunder] [0/25/0/0|65] 1 PD
Striker [Kings] [45/0/0/25|0] 1 PD
Striker [Kings] [0/0/0/0|45] 1 PD
Hunter Weapons
Chain Sawd [Gush] [0/0/35/20|15] 2 PD
Chain Sawd [Gush] [0/0/25/0|20] 3 PD
Chain Sawd [Gush] [0/25/15/0|20] 3 PD
Chain Sawd [Gush] [30/20/0/0|20] 3 PD
Daylight Scar [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Daylight Scar [Berserk] [0/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Daylight Scar [Berserk] [20/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Daylight Scar [Berserk] [0/40/0/0|0] 1 PD
L&K38 Combat [Burning] [0/0/0/0|15] 2 PD
Meteor Cudgel [Blizzard] [40/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Meteor Cudgel [Blizzard] [25/0/0/30|0] 1 PD
Monkey King Bar [Devils] [0/0/0/0|15] 3 PD
Monkey King Bar [Devils] [30/0/0/15|15] 3 PD
Girasole [0/0/0/0|30] 8 PD
Girasole [0/20/0/0|30] 8 PD
Guren [Burning] [0/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Guren [Burning] [0/25/0/15|0] 1 PD
Guren [Burning] [15/35/0/0|0] 1 PD
Rika's Claw [Tempest] [0/0/10/0|0] 1 PD
Rika's Claw [Tempest] [0/20/0/0|0] 1 PD
Rika's Claw [Tempest] [0/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Rika's Claw [Tempest] [0/35/0/45|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/5/5|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/0/10|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [15/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/10/0/10|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [20/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/20/0|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/0/25|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [10/0/0/25|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/20/20/0|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [20/0/25/0|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [25/0/20/0|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [30/0/0/20|0] 1 PD
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/25/0/30|0] 1 PD
Zanba [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Ranger Weapons
Baranz Launcher 0H 1 PD
Frozen Shooter [35/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Maser Beam [0/0/10/5|0] 1 PD
Maser Beam [0/0/0/20|0] 1 PD
Maser Beam [15/0/0/25|0] 1 PD
Maser Beam [35/0/15/0|0] 1 PD
Maser Beam [30/0/20/0|0] 1 PD
Ophelie Seize [Chaos] [0/20/25/0|30] 8 PD
Panzer Faust [Chaos] [15/20/0/0|0] 2 PD
Panzer Faust [Chaos] [0/25/15/15|0] 2 PD
Force Weapons
Branch of Pakupaku [0/5/0/0|5] 1 PD
Branch of Pakupaku [0/20/0/20|20] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [5/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/0/5|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/10/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [20/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/5/20|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/15/15/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/35/0/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/25/0/15|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [40/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [15/0/0/30|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [10/10/40/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/15/0|15] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [15/0/0/0|20] 1 PD
Glide Divine [Blizzard] [0/0/0/0|25] 1 PD
Storm Wand: Indra [Storm] [0/0/15/0|0] 250k Meseta
Storm Wand: Indra [Storm] [0/0/20/0|0] 250k Meseta
Storm Wand: Indra [Storm] [15/0/0/0|15] 250k Meseta
Storm Wand: Indra [Storm] [15/0/0/0|20] 250k Meseta
Holy Ray [Arrest] [0/0/15/0|0] 1 PD
Holy Ray [Arrest] [0/0/0/30|0] 1 PD
Rambling May [Chaos] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Rambling May [Chaos] [0/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Rambling May [Chaos] [0/0/30/0|0] 1 PD
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [0/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [0/0/0/30|0] 1 PD
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [0/0/0/35|0] 1 PD
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [25/20/0/0|0] 1 PD
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [20/0/35/0|0] 1 PD
Striker of Chao [Arrest] [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Solferino [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Solferino [0/0/10/0|0] 1 PD
Solferino [0/0/15/0|0] 1 PD
Solferino [25/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Solferino [10/0/0/30|0] 1 PD
Vivienne [Heart] [0/20/0/0|0] 1 PD
Lames + Excaliburs
Lame d'Argent [0/0/0/0|0] 250K Meseta
Lame d'Argent [0/0/0/15|0] x2 1 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/15/0|0] x3 1 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/15/0/0|0] 1 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/30/0|0] 3 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/0/30|0] 3 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/35/0|0] 3.5 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/35/0/0|0] x3 3.5 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/0/35|0] 3 PD
Lame d'Argent [0/0/30/15|0] 3 PD
Armor + Barriers
Spirit Garment [6/7 | 1/5] [0S] 3 PD
Spirit Garment [7/7 | 4/5] [0S] 6 PD
Stink Frame [74/85 | 34/85] [4S] 5 PD
Attribute Plate [4/8 | 4/8] [1S] 1 PD
Guard Wave [21/50 | 2/20] [1S] 1 PD
DF Field [43/50 | 14/20] [2S] 7 PD
Luminous Field [47/50 | 18/20] [4S] 30 PD
Flame Garment [19/50 | 10/20] [3S] 3 PD
Flame Garment [27/50 | 11/20] [3S] 3 PD
Flame Garment [39/50 | 16/20] [0S] 3 PD
Electro Frame [24/50 | 19/20] [0S] 2 PD
Electro Frame [48/50 | 2/20] [2S] 17 PD
Smoking Plate [23/50 | 17/20] [0S] 1 PD
Smoking Plate [35/50 | 8/20] [3S] 3 PD
Smoking Plate [31/50 | 13/20] [0S] 1 PD
Smoking Plate [40/50 | 7/20] [0S] 2 PD
Morning Prayer [9/10 | 5/20] [0S] 5 PD
Morning Prayer [10/10 | 9/20] [0S] 7 PD
Morning Prayer [8/10 | 19/20] [0S] 5 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [8/10 | 1/10] [0S] 3 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [7/10 | 3/10] [1S] 3 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [9/10 | 2/10] [0S] 4 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [7/10 | 5/10] [0S] 3 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [7/10 | 5/10] [3S] 4 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [6/10 | 8/10] [0S] 3 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [7/10 | 7/10] [3S] 4 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [8/10 | 7/10] [1S] 4 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [7/10 | 8/10] [1S] 3 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [5/10 | 10/10] [3S] 2 PD
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [8/10 | 10/10] [1S] 4 PD
Wedding Dress [0/0 | 0/0] [0S] x3 2 PD
Thirteen [7/8 | 0/8] [0S] 4 PD
Thirteen [7/8 | 7/8] [0S] 6 PD
Mother Garb [9/15 | 0/5] [0S] 3 PD
Mother Garb [12/15 | 1/5] [0S] 5 PD
Congeal Cloak [3/8 | 2/8] [1S] 2 PD
Congeal Cloak [4/8 | 2/8] [0S] 3 PD
Congeal Cloak [4/8 | 3/8] [0S] 3 PD
Congeal Cloak [4/8 | 3/8] [2S] 4 PD
Congeal Cloak [3/8 | 5/8] [1S] 2 PD
Congeal Cloak [3/8 | 8/8] [0S] 2 PD
Cursed Cloak [8/8 | 2/8] [0S] 8 PD
Samurai Armor [0/0 | 0/0] [0S] 1 PD
Invisible Guard [0/8 | 1/8] 1 PD
Invisible Guard [0/8 | 4/8] 1 PD
Invisible Guard [1/8 | 5/8] 1 PD
Light Relief [0/7 | 1/7] 1 PD
Light Relief [2/7 | 3/7] 1 PD
Shield of Delsaber [0/7 | 0/7] x2 2 PD
Flowen's Shield [1/10 | 5/10] 1 PD
Flowen's Shield [6/10 | 2/10] 1 PD
Flowen's Shield [4/10 | 4/10] 1 PD
Flowen's Shield [7/10 | 2/10] 1 PD
Flowen's Shield [10/10 | 3/10] 2 PD
Flowen's Shield [8/10 | 9/10] 1.5 PD
Flowen's Shield [10/10 | 0/10] x2 2 PD
Gods Shield "Genbu" [0/0 | 0/0] x2 1 PD
Gods Shield "Seiryu" [0/0 | 0/0] x2 1 PD
Rico's Earring [66/85 | 19/25] 5 PD
Rico's Earring [65/85 | 20/25] 5 PD
Secure Feet [37/50 | 9/15] 3 PD
Secure Feet [23/50 | 9/15] x2 2 PD
Recovery Barrier [0/5 | 0/5] 1 PD
Recovery Barrier [0/5 | 1/5] 1 PD
Blue Barrier [4/5 | 0/5] 1 PD
Blue Barrier [5/5 | 0/5] 1 PD
Blue Barrier [4/5 | 2/5] 1 PD
Blue Barrier [3/5 | 4/5] 1 PD
Blue Barrier [5/5 | 3/5] 2 PD
Blue Barrier [4/5 | 4/5] 2 PD
Yellow Barrier [3/5 | 0/5] 1 PD
Yellow Barrier [4/5 | 1/5] 1 PD
Yellow Barrier [5/5 | 0/5] 2 PD
Yellow Barrier [5/5 | 1/5] 2 PD
Gratia [20/20 | 5/15] 3 PD
Gratia [11/20 | 15/15] 1 PD
Gratia [15/20 | 15/15] 1 PD
Gratia [18/20 | 12/15] 2 PD
Gratia [18/20 | 13/15] 2 PD
Gratia [19/20 | 13/15] 2 PD
Gratia [15/20 | 11/15] x2 1 PD
Striker Plus [3/10 | 0/5] 2 PD
Striker Plus [3/10 | 3/5] 2 PD
Striker Plus [9/10 | 0/5] 2 PD
Striker Plus [1/10 | 1/5] x2 2 PD
Yata Mirror [10/20 | 5/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [12/20 | 3/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [12/20 | 4/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [15/20 | 2/25] 2 PD
Yata Mirror [17/20 | 1/25] 2 PD
Yata Mirror [16/20 | 3/25] 2 PD
Yata Mirror [11/20 | 13/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [20/20 | 4/25] 5 PD
Yata Mirror [13/20 | 12/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [14/20 | 13/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [9/20 | 19/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [16/20 | 12/25] 2 PD
Yata Mirror [19/20 | 12/25] 5 PD
Yata Mirror [12/20 | 19/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [16/20 | 17/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [12/20 | 21/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [15/20 | 20/25] 1 PD
Yata Mirror [19/20 | 25/25] 8 PD
Clair's Deal 5 + Forge Items
Agito (1975) [Dim] [0/0/0/0|0] 2 PD
Agito (1975) [Dim] [20/0/0/0|0] 2 PD
Agito (1975) [Dim] [30/0/15/15|0] 3 PD
Agito (1983) [Dim] [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1983) [Dim] [0/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1983) [Dim] [35/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1983) [Dim] [25/0/0/20|0] 1 PD
Agito (1983) [Dim] [0/30/0/0|15] 1 PD
Agito (2001) [Dim] [0/0/15/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (2001) [Dim] [10/10/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1980) [Dim] [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1980) [Dim] [0/15/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1980) [Dim] [25/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Agito (1980) [Dim] [50/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Agito (1980) [Dim] [0/0/0/0|25] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [15/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/15/0/20|0] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/40/0/0|0] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/0/25/35|0] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/0/0/20|15] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/0/0/0|25] 1 PD
Ano Bazooka [0/20/0/15|30] 1 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/0/0/0|0] x4 2 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/0/0/20|0] 2 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/25/0/0|0] 2 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/0/0/30|0] 2 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/35/0/0|0] 2 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/25/30/0|0] 2 PD
Anti Android Rifle [Tempest] [0/0/0/0|20] 2 PD
Brave Hammer [Spirit] [0/25/0/25|0] 1 PD
Brave Hammer [Spirit] [20/0/0/35|0] 1 PD
Brave Hammer [Spirit] [35/0/20/0|0] 1 PD
Brave Hammer [Spirit] [0/20/30/55|0] 1 PD
Brave Hammer [Spirit] [20/0/15/0|15] 1 PD
Brave Hammer [Spirit] [0/0/35/25|35] 3 PD
Delsaber's Buster [Storm] [0/0/0/0|0] 2 PD
Flame Visit [Havoc] [0/0/20/0|15] 1 PD
Flame Visit [Havoc] [30/0/15/0|30] 2 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [0/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [0/0/15/0|0] 1 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [0/0/15/20|0] 1 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [0/25/0/25|0] 1 PD
Kusanagi [Demons] [20/30/20/0|0] 1 PD
Plantain Leaf [20/0/0/0|0] 2 PD
Plantain Leaf [0/0/0/30|0] 2 PD
Plantain Leaf [20/0/35/0|0] 2 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [0/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [15/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [20/0/0/15|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [0/0/0/40|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [20/0/0/20|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [35/20/0/0|0] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [0/25/0/0|15] 1 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [0/0/0/20|25] 2 PD
Musashi [Berserk] [30/0/0/35|25] 2 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [10/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/0/0/10|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/10/20/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/15/15/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/35/0/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [20/15/0/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [15/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [25/25/0/0|0] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/0/0/15|15] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/20/0/0|15] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [20/0/0/0|20] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/30/15/0|25] 1 PD
Yamato [Blizzard] [20/0/25/0|25] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/10/0/0|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [10/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [15/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/0/15/0|0] x2 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [20/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/0/0/25|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/10/15/0|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/15/20/0|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [35/0/15/0|0] 1 PD
Asuka [Burning] [0/0/0/30|15] 1 PD
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