Looking to buy 55h CR with room for AB and M


Update 2/9/2025: The 3,000 PD offer is no longer on the table. I've been offering well over market value for a long time and nobody has sold it to me, and it makes me wonder if people are holding back just so I keep increasing the offer. So now, if someone wants to sell a 55h CR to me, they can get fair market value or take their chances with an auction. Potential sellers have missed out. The large offer is DONE and is not coming back.
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Bumping this because I heard someone found a 55h CR but nobody seems to know who it was. I hope they see it. Thx :3
Updated. Offers over fair market value are no longer on the table. Any potential sellers who were holding back and hoping I would keep increasing the offer missed out. I'm now offering fair market value and not a PD more. You can take your chances with an auction if you want.