Recent content by Yunaelith

  1. Yunaelith

    It's a gif (fanart) from Crypt of the NecroDancer

    It's a gif (fanart) from Crypt of the NecroDancer
  2. Yunaelith

    DropBox Tracker Addon

    Oh looks good! I always wanted something like this for PSO (they had something similar for PSU)
  3. Yunaelith

    After using Jyuki as my username for the longest time, it's time to change. Never liked it...

    After using Jyuki as my username for the longest time, it's time to change. Never liked it anyway. :wacko:
  4. Yunaelith

    A> Calibur 70H - CHB: 99PDs - done

    Done. @Celestial won :)
  5. Yunaelith

    A> Calibur 70H - CHB: 99PDs - done

    CHB 15h20 left
  6. Yunaelith

    A> Calibur 70H - CHB: 99PDs - done

    Res: 99 PD Countdown: 48 hours 24 hours resets
  7. Yunaelith

    unlock fps

    Might be worth exploring the FSR3 option when it comes around (AMD's permissive open-source response to nvidia's DLSS3). Given FSR2.1/2.2 works on older GPU (even Nvidia GTX9xx), we can hope FSR3 will also support a wider range of GPU than what DLSS 3.0 offers...
  8. Yunaelith

    Team MOTHERBRAIN (équipe francophone)

    Bonne chance pour la Team! Je suis également francophone mais j'ai déjà une team, bien que ça n'empêche pas de jouer ensemble à l'occasion. ;)
  9. Yunaelith

    What are you listening to?

  10. Yunaelith

    Team Monolith

    We used to go there back in the day when the team was still small because the team chat was/is... rudimentary. :wacko: I made a discord server before so peoples could talk more freely but it ended being pretty much dead and the official Ephinea discord was made so, I removed the link. I...
  11. Yunaelith

    What are you listening to?

  12. Yunaelith

    B> Heart of Izmaela (closed)

    Last two sold for 50 PDs so I'll offer as much.
  13. Yunaelith

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I loved Ar Tonelico 1 ! But couldn't get around to finish the 2nd, I was hard stuck at some point... I should try again someday. o_O I'd love some remaster for PC...
  14. Yunaelith

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Currently playing Hogwarts Legacy until I 100% it, then I'll go back to my 2nd playthrough of Elden Ring (Expansion hype!) until Atelier Ryza 3 releases. I might also play Ateliers games I haven't touched after my Ryza 3 playthrough (Rorona -> Totori -> Meruru -> Ayesha -> Escha & Logy ->...
  15. Yunaelith

    What are you listening to?
