Recent content by velo

  1. V

    B> Frozen Shooter 30% hit (or greater)

    Willing to offer above the market price for a 30 hit Frozen Shooter, I will offer in the range of 35 PD's. If someone has a 35+ hit, message me and I will make an offer.
  2. V

    Arsuru's Surplus | S-Ranks & More

    Can I buy these for 5 PD's? Cure/Paralysis – 1 Cure/Slow – 1 Cure/Confuse – 1 Cure/Freeze – 1 Cure/Shock – 1
  3. V

    Velo's Shop! (Updated July 1st) Out of stock of Clean S-Rank Weapons (Ep 2)

    Update, finally managed to do an Ep2 C-Mode clear, selling Demon Needle for 25 PD's.
  4. V

    Velo's Shop! (Updated July 1st) Out of stock of Clean S-Rank Weapons (Ep 2)

    Sorry, still have not had luck in getting a c-mode team to start. Will try this weekend.
  5. V

    Velo's Shop! (Updated July 1st) Out of stock of Clean S-Rank Weapons (Ep 2)

    No, sorry. There has been no activity in the past 4 days regarding anyone doing / organizing a group for C-Mode publicly.
  6. V

    Velo's Shop! (Updated July 1st) Out of stock of Clean S-Rank Weapons (Ep 2)

    Will do, I have a lot of requests for S-Ranks so I'll see what I can do. I haven't had luck the past week with finding a C-Mode group.
  7. V

    Velo's Shop! (Updated July 1st) Out of stock of Clean S-Rank Weapons (Ep 2)

    Currently out of stock with S-Ranks. Got a lot of replies past 2 days, maybe we can all group up to do Ep-2 S-ranks, you can find me on the Ephinea Discord in the challenge channel. Only takes 4 hours or less in one day to clear Ep 2 S-Rank to get an S-Rank weapon.
  8. V

    Velo's Shop! (Updated July 1st) Out of stock of Clean S-Rank Weapons (Ep 2)

    Alright, I'm online both of you, finishing an MA4 quest. I'll private message both of you.
  9. V

    Velo's Shop! (Updated July 1st) Out of stock of Clean S-Rank Weapons (Ep 2)

    Updated July 1st, 2021 Wants: PD's (Also I main a RAmar), B> Dress Plate Will update daily, message me on Discord Velo#6738 for instant response weekends, weekdays 4pm CDT - 10pm CDT. Ask me what ES Weapon (Preferred Ep 2 C-Mode weapons) you want and I will try to do C-Mode to get one, usually...
  10. V

    Spuz's Unsealing & Custom Sranks. (CLOSED)

    Sorry for the delay, i'm on now I guess for 2-3 hours. Will be in lobby 11 or Ultimate rooms/ttf. HUcast name is FadingSun.
  11. V

    Spuz's Unsealing & Custom Sranks. (CLOSED)

    That's fine we can meet anytime.
  12. V

    Spuz's Unsealing & Custom Sranks. (CLOSED)

    I'm on today if you are on now. My ingame name is FadingSun.
  13. V

    Spuz's Unsealing & Custom Sranks. (CLOSED)

    I'll take wep: Girasole [0/0/0/15|0] , Calibur [0/0/50/50|30] [Charge] , Raygun [0/0/0/0|50] [Arrest] , Raygun +3 [0/0/0/45|45] [Demon's] , Raygun +1 [0/0/0/0|50] [Charge] armor: ultimate frame 4 slot & holiness 4 slot & Black hound cuirass shield: Gratia [DEF: 13/EVP: 14] !!!!!!! and a rappy beak