Recent content by SirBildigan

  1. SirBildigan


    It's on the main page of Ephinea under community tab
  2. SirBildigan

    New game changer for all you fans that like 60fps+ for PSO

    the custom scaling should no longer be needed in recent versions 2.8 and 2.9. they have cleaned up many of the errors that were present when gaming at a non integer of 1080p. now you should be able to just leave it on auto and be good to go.
  3. SirBildigan

    New game changer for all you fans that like 60fps+ for PSO

    Unfortunately not, these problems could be resolved in future versions but currently the software thinks the UI is moving while you're moving.
  4. SirBildigan

    New game changer for all you fans that like 60fps+ for PSO

    If you are on a 60Hz display then the game is already locked to half your refresh rate given that PSOBB only runs at 30fps max right now.
  5. SirBildigan

    New game changer for all you fans that like 60fps+ for PSO

    in recent versions i no longer need to use custom scaling factor since they have fixed issues with frame generation in 1440p resolution now i just use auto and Fullscreen. what problems are you having? are you on a laptop with dual gpu's? Other things for you to try if you are having...
  6. SirBildigan

    Xbox Controller

    depending on your controller model, there is an older version of the xbox one controller that doesn't have bluetooth support
  7. SirBildigan

    New game changer for all you fans that like 60fps+ for PSO

    Yeah, DLSS 3 and FSR 3 will always work better because they have more information to work with. LSFG unfortunately only gets information from what it can see so its more prone to artifacting, warping etc. especially at lower framerates. i still find LSFG impressive what it can do considering it...
  8. SirBildigan

    New game changer for all you fans that like 60fps+ for PSO

    I recorded that video in WGC with vsync set to 1/4 refresh. i'm on a 240hz monitor so that basically means 60Hz vsync. WGC willl need vsync to be at double the games frame rate unlike DXGI where vsync can be skipped if needed
  9. SirBildigan

    New game changer for all you fans that like 60fps+ for PSO

    currently when using the DXGI capture API obs and many other recording software is unable to see the lossless overlay. you can change the capture API to WGC to record/stream. WGC has some trouble with frame pacing so it will stutter a bit more then DXGI would however
  10. SirBildigan

    New game changer for all you fans that like 60fps+ for PSO

    i recommend these settings for 2160P or 1080P, if your on 1440p i would change scaling mode to custom and use a scale factor of 1.33 and resize before scaling. also make sure PSO is running in windowed mode or borderless window. p.s. make sure lossless is running as admin or else it wont be able...
  11. SirBildigan

    New game changer for all you fans that like 60fps+ for PSO

    Some additional context, this program uses frame Interpolation in real-time and does not hook or interact with the game whatsoever. (aside from reading the window position) there is no risk of game logic getting messed up by using it. it simply overlays a video on top of the game then generates...
  12. SirBildigan

    two players one pc works but need help.

    Order is important here: 1.) Turn on controller 1 and client 1 2.) after that turn on controller 2 and turn off controller 1 (Controller 1 must be shut off or it will control both) 3.) launch client 2 and confirm that controller 2 controls only client 2. (Second controller should have second...