Recent content by Schranko

  1. Schranko

    S> A bunch of blank premade S Ranks. No grind and no special

    Updated the list of available S Ranks. Major sorry for not replying to posts in this thread since I rarely log on to the forums. Best to message me on discord if possible.
  2. Schranko

    S> A bunch of blank premade S Ranks. No grind and no special

    updated the list and also bump :P
  3. Schranko

    S>Stuff (Always up to date)

    Yo, I would like to buy your SJS if it is still available. Schranko #1587 on discord <3
  4. Schranko

    DXY's Trade List

    Hello, I would like to buy the following items: Assault [Charge] [0/0/0/0|65] - 25pd (bank2) Raygun [Hell] [0/25/0/0|60] - 50pd (bank1) Lame d'Argent [0/0/0/0|30] - 500pd (bank1) Schranko#1587 on discord, UTC+1 timezone
  5. Schranko

    S> A bunch of blank premade S Ranks. No grind and no special

    Heya, I am selling all these blank (no grind and no special) S Ranks for their respective prize as listed in the thread. Ep1 S Ranks (35PDs each) ZALURE RIFLE x1 DEMONS MECHGUN x3 HELL SHOT x2 ZALURE SHOT x2 DEMONS SHOT x1 Ep2 S Ranks (30PDs each) ARREST NEEDLE x4 ZALURE NEEDLE x5 BERSERK...
  6. Schranko

    DARK FLOW [0/0/0/100|65] [Done]
