Recent content by Matt

  1. Matt

    Selfie thread.

    I haven't posted a selfie in a while; took this one earlier today, might as well share.
  2. Matt

    Ephinea PSO BB on Steam Deck (Official Thread)

    Ah, this is because it was removed unfortunately, so there's not much I can personally do about it. I'm not sure on the specifics of the Alt+Enter; it's part of dgvoodoo2 but I don't know if we can use it when running through Vulkan.
  3. Matt

    Vulkan doesn't render textures.

    Another user had this same problem - they fixed it by turning off the AA in the Launcher; it's also possible a different AA setting may work. Perhaps you can try this.
  4. Matt

    Ephinea PSO BB on Steam Deck (Official Thread)

    The recent update to DXVK for Vulkan in the Ephinea options has resolved the issues with the default installation settings with Direct3D. As such, to fix all the issues such as scrolling textures, simply change your default graphics renderer to Vulkan in the launcher. I've updated the Lutris...
  5. Matt

    The Easter Event has ended (イースターイベント終了)

    Hello Hunters! The Easter Event has now ended, we hope you enjoyed it, and we hope you continue to enjoy playing PSO on Ephinea!  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ハンターズの皆さん、こんにちは! イースターイベントは本日終了しました。イベントをお楽しみいただけたのであれば幸いです! これからもEphineaをよろしくお願いいたします。
  6. Matt

    Ephinea PSO BB on Steam Deck (Official Thread)

    Do it in-game (you might have to press a few things to bring up the menu), or in the controller settings by hitting the Steam button while in game.
  7. Matt

    Shared Bank not permanent?

    You can do it from the launcher at the top right, or just type /cbank 1-8 for each set of slots.
  8. Matt

    What do “Proportions” look like in your character data?

    it's a value from 0 to 100 in both directions. idk where they are I never really bothered looking
  9. Matt

    Shared Bank not permanent?

    Just hit space and start typing
  10. Matt

    Shared Bank not permanent?

    Go to main menu -> Chat -> Shortcuts, pick a shortcut, then type /bank in it. Shift + F1 isn't a /bank shortcut by itself but you can make it that in game.
  11. Matt

    Weird Darkness?

    Change Direct3D API to d8 or d11
  12. Matt

    Can you swap player models on Steam Deck?

    Playing on Linux/Steam Deck makes no difference to the compatibility of mods, follow the exact same instructions as Windows.
  13. Matt

    PNG of PSO symbol ?

    You don't really need Photoshop, it's not too hard to remove the background. I have this one that I recoloured for my own purposes, not sure if I could fine the original white version I used, but you can easily recolour this to be white in some sort of image editor like or GIMP.
  14. Matt

    PSO and PSO Community Appreciation Thread

    hahaha, I am also a PSO gamer because of Tails Chao, although I never played the GameCube version originally as I only started looking for how to get a Tails Chao in 2010, where I discovered Blue Burst and started playing it. I'm still here for some dumbass reason. Also SCHT started in 2003, so...
  15. Matt

    Question Regarding Approaching Server Admins ~ Shyguy

    Would make more sense to approach through forums rather than Discord - I will admit that a lot of the time I ignore Discord DMs because I'm busy and then I forget about it (PS: Never send a message that is "Can I ask a question?" I will immediately hit ignore on that). Forums are better for this...