Recent content by MasonDT70

  1. MasonDT70

    A> Red Partisan 25/25/0/0/95 done

    CG on win, message me on here or discord @MasonDT70 to set up a time to meet.
  2. MasonDT70

    A> Red Partisan 25/25/0/0/95 done

    Just to be 100% sure, it resets 24 hour time when a new high bid happens correct? This being my first item auctioned just want to make sure I do it right.
  3. MasonDT70

    A> Red Partisan 25/25/0/0/95 done

    res: 1 pd countdown: 72hrs reset: 24hrs wants: pds Excalibur with hit: 15h=33pd, 20h=60pds Max 1 excalibur My first ever auction so sorry in advance if this isn't formatted the best.
  4. MasonDT70

    S > Unit & Lv200 Mag & mats

    I'm interested in the Geung-si 5 0 45 150 2 and the heavenly/battle
  5. MasonDT70

    EL’s trade list

    Crated MasonDT70 is name
  6. MasonDT70

    EL’s trade list

    I'm actually on now
  7. MasonDT70

    EL’s trade list

    Heaven Striker 20/0/0/15 and a v501 for 5?