I am pretty sure this is a bug with services.exe, even Internet explorer is stuck loading its startup page until you kill it, and I highly doubt it is normal, and I so probably some protocols are relying on it to work.
Yes, it worked once, with same files.
My wonder about an issue with ephinea dll is that eventually it is used by both the launcher to display the online players count and psobb, would have maybe explained why the count is not loaded.
But there are so much weird things happening or not simply...
Well the launcher is not much the problem in the end.
But I'm actually wondering if this is not a C++ framework missing/incompatibility affecting the ephinea dll which prevent the game login.
I did installed 2015, but also the latest all in one up to 2022 but it is not helping.
I doubt the dll...
You're right I had not noticed, but many things are not working in the launcher, like all the labels in options menu are missing.
What I saw is when you keep the services active, killing only winedevice.exe unfreeze the launcher when stuck at opening around 280mb~ of ram, as well as the pso...
Nope I can no longer connect unfortunatly. :(
So maybe everything I wrote is just pill of crap, sorry.
It worked once I don't know why or how but now I am getting 916 too.
This error means the login server rejected the connection request but only admin may be able to tell us why.
There must...
So I wanted to sum up my experience on how to run the game on Android via Winlator. I also tried Mobox, but honestly it is much more complicated and kinda waste of time for the same end result.
I found out during my expérimentation some people were running it successfully on Samsung Galaxy...
The command I think is necessary because it detects the application is not signed and all, but don't think it is correlated since some other people seems to be able to play.
So it is strange, I am guessing it is failing to load the Ephinea dll for some reasons.
It is difficult to identify the...
You won't get more than 30fps, but I don't know how it works on your machine.
It is stuttering?
On mine it is mostly the CPU that is bottlenecking because it's crap and the Wine layer does not help, I was guessing the ARM ones are way faster.
Maybe you should try using a virtualized Windows...
Cool, thanks for your reply, I will set it on the first post then. :)
On the previous version there was a super weird crash, I think it was the issue because it may were not using the correct .net framework architecture that match the one targeted when the launcher was compiled.
On the one I...
The new launcher is crashing even on Windows if there is no SonicTeam node in the registry.
Plus, it don't seems to like 64 bit prefix.
It may be your issue.
Through a clean Wine wrapper, it is a bit more tricky as you need to first open option.exe once and save values.
I uploaded a new version with a workaround to launch old launcher instead of the new one (named online_old.exe).
Looking at the callstack I think there is a missmatch with between 32 and 64bit .net framework loaded.
I don't know how the new launcher is compiled, I will try some stuff.
edit: I...
I just tried on my old Intel one and I'm getting same issue.
It seems online.exe is crashing, I gonna investigate.
You can boot the game by opening wineskin inside the app, and in advanced menu, change the starting program from online.exe to psobb.exe to bypass the launcher.
Sorry I don't have access to mac OS at the moment.
For the game crashing at boot, there is something which may worth to try is to update Wine engine.
Download Wineskin Winery: https://github.com/Gcenx/WineskinServer/releases
Run it and download the latest WS11WineCX64Bit engine.
Make a...