Recent content by KillYourFM

  1. KillYourFM

    Hello there!

    Gaming should definitely not feel like work. Or a chore. Or a grind.
  2. KillYourFM

    New Shenmue III Screenshots!!!

    I'm not going to argue that, but I sure loved me some Forklift.
  3. KillYourFM

    You never LEAVE PSO, you just take a 12 year break...

    OMG that earworm. Thank you.
  4. KillYourFM

    New Shenmue III Screenshots!!!

    "Suddenly, Ephenia's online population decreased dramatically as dozens of people fired up their Dreamcast..."
  5. KillYourFM

    You never LEAVE PSO, you just take a 12 year break...

    I promise it was, haha! I lived through it and remembered seeing several, though I never could find screenshots when I was writing that Diablo article. Bonus points: I was totally browsing eBay with the Dreamcast internet browser.
  6. KillYourFM

    New Shenmue III Screenshots!!! Giggity!
  7. KillYourFM

    Thanks Soda, yep that makes perfect sense now. I also got confused because the quests were...

    Thanks Soda, yep that makes perfect sense now. I also got confused because the quests were labeled as "Main" on the Ultima server. Really great to be here, thanks for the response!
  8. KillYourFM

    Hello there!

    Welcome to the addiction! You know, I still can't find any modern MMOs that I like, but I'll happily sink another 200 hours into PSO.
  9. KillYourFM

    Gonna hit 200 this time.

    You got this. Welcome back to the addition. We're right there w/ ya.
  10. KillYourFM

    So it's finally come to this...

    Hi and welcome! After posting my little intro thread I've been reading others and man, what a friendly community! You know it puzzles me why they wouldn't bring PSO2 stateside. SEGA owns Atlus, one of the absolute best localization developers in the business. *Sigh* But for now, this is...
  11. KillYourFM

    It's Rappy huntin' time.

    Welcome! Nice to see another new face here. I took about a 12 year break from PSO but I just came back this week! See you on Ragol.
  12. KillYourFM

    You never LEAVE PSO, you just take a 12 year break...

    Hey gang! I must have logged 190+ hours on PSO during the Dreamcast days. I was obsessed with that, Shenmue, Powerstone, Jet Grind Radio, and yes -- Seaman. Lately I've become pretty disenchanted with modern AAA gaming. If it's not broken, it's incomplete. So I decided to see how I could still...
  13. KillYourFM

    Hi Sodaboy! Some very helpful Hunters suggested I contact you about this. I just transferred...

    Hi Sodaboy! Some very helpful Hunters suggested I contact you about this. I just transferred here from Ultima and now I can't seem to access any Main story quests, though it does show the first 5 I completed from Episode 1 on the other server. I'm not stressing it TOO much because my main was...
  14. KillYourFM

    Problems with 360 controller

    Bumping this. I just switched over from Ultima to here (you guys seem like you're doing things right) and am having the exact same problem. Literally identical. I can hit A at the menu screen but then it's unresponsive after that. Navigating via keyboard then resetting pad to default doesn't...