Recent content by Ivanorrosso

  1. I

    B> Parasitic Gene "Flow"(65)

    If you can't tell, I want this a lot. Message me!
  2. I

    How did YOU find Ephinea?

    I know exactly how you feel. Went without this game in my life for almost two decades, never knowing it was right at my fingertips the whole time.
  3. I

    How did YOU find Ephinea?

    I am seeing a massive new influx of players, as many others have pointed out. I have been actively seeking ways to promote the playing of PSO in the modern day. I am very curious, and it would help my endeavors greatly, if anyone who sees this could tell me how you came to find this place...
  4. I

    S>Heart of Izmaela(50PD)(Closed)

    50 PD, or will trade for Parasitic Gene "Flow" Message me here and we can meet ASAP. I love you all. Thank you for keeping the best gaming experience alive all these years later.
  5. I

    Nei's Retail Store (11/02/2025 update)

    I will take all of your "Heavenly" units currently listed as well as the God/Technique
  6. I

    Pinky's shop, Le petit magasin de Pinky <3

    Just need a V801. Name a price.
  7. I

    B- All lvl 30 Hard attack tech discs

    I definitely want Megid and Grants. Got Gurens, Heart of Izmaela(stupid rare drop chance, no idea how it happened), Stags with 45+hit, Resta lvl 30, Greenil Card, every common skyly drop with at least 45+ hit, and probably more I'm forgetting between all my banks. Let me know :)
  8. I

    B- All lvl 30 Hard attack tech discs

    I will take any and all including grants/megid. I have PDs, several good Skyly/Pinkal/Purplenum drops, I have Guren to trade, as well as SEVERAL other pair items from Skyly. Let me know which disk you have and what it's worth to you. I definitely have something you want.