Recent content by Harna

  1. Harna

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Grats Yuffie but I'm ngl, that tile skinset is giving me an anxiety attack
  2. Harna

    Custom S-Ranks [E2C] [CLOSED]

    Me: H- Firkraag: Say no more, here you go.
  3. Harna

    Custom S-Ranks [E2C] [CLOSED]

    Heya Firk, can I request a HARDCORE HELL NEEDLE :3c
  4. Harna

    brionac's underground shop [CLOSED]

    Jenny: Laser [Demon's] [40/0/40/0|30] Would you accept 1 PC for it?
  5. Harna

    Custom S-Ranks [E2C] [CLOSED]

    Collected and happy!
  6. Harna

    Custom S-Ranks [E2C] [CLOSED]

    *Sneakily places an order for a SPIRIT SCYTHE for HARDCORE*
  7. Harna

    Flan's Normal Mode Bank Clearing

    Updated, last few things now.
  8. Harna

    Flan's Normal Mode Bank Clearing

    Res'd for you.
  9. Harna

    Custom S-Ranks [E2C] [CLOSED]

    Thanks, all bought and picked up- that was quick!
  10. Harna

    Custom S-Ranks [E2C] [CLOSED]

    Hello Kirkraag, can I place an order for HARDCORE: DEMONS J-CUTTER ARREST J-CUTTER Flan on Discord ;)
  11. Harna

    Flan's Normal Mode Bank Clearing

    - Only wanting PDs. I will happily sell anything for HC PDs for half the price. Weapons: Excalibur [0/0/0/25|0] - 9 PDs RES S-RANK ARREST J-CUTTER (NO SPECIAL ADDED, BLANK J-CUTTER WITH THE NAME) - 15 PDs S-RANK HELL J-CUTTER +150 (NO SPECIAL ADDED, BLANK J-CUTTER WITH THE NAME) - 20 PDs Glide...
  12. Harna

    Flan's Assorted HC crap

    4 PDs ea: Red Barrier [2/5 | 0/5] RES Red Barrier [3/5 | 1/5] Yellow Barrier [4/5 | 4/5] Yellow Barrier [5/5 | 2/5] Yellow Barrier [5/5 | 0/5] Yellow Barrier [2/5 | 5/5] Yellow Barrier [5/5 | 5/5] - 8 PDs Stink Frame [85/85 | 69/85] [3S] - 5PDs RES Rati [Purple] [5.04/145.48/50.04/0.10]...
  13. Harna

    LF HC Team :eyes:

    Hey guys, Flan here, got back in to PSO after a long term hiatus after seasons. Enjoying HC a lot and got my first HC to ult, looking for a team to run some quests/HBR/Cmode together. Lmk.
  14. Harna

    Would Love Another Seasonal!

  15. Harna

    B> Real Nei's Claw

    Depending on stats, possibly paying up to 2 PS.