Recent content by GreenGod64

  1. GreenGod64

    GreenGod's General [REOPENED]

    Hello there, can I once again interest you in some of my wares? I will mostly be using Discord for any communications because I think that it is easier. I will also check in with replies and DMs on forums. If you have Discord, be sure to post your Discord tag as well. Any item that is on GREEN...
  2. GreenGod64

    S> 3 Glide Divines, 1 PD Each

    If you're a Force in need, come and reply. First come, first serve,
  3. GreenGod64

    Hello again

    After a 3-4 Month hiatus, I decided to drop back into Ephinea. Allow me to reintroduce myself, I am GreenGod64 and I used to play a lot for a while until I think the end of February. Anyways, I'll likely play as my different characters that I worked on during the times I've played, displayed on...
  4. GreenGod64

    That's fair

    That's fair
  5. GreenGod64

    Hi, How's Everyone?

    Hi, How's Everyone?
  6. GreenGod64

    Puff's Smurf Market

    I'll take this please
  7. GreenGod64

    [OUTDATED - NO LONGER WORKS] All caps special weapon mod

    Thank you, now I can feed into my GC nostalgia.
  8. GreenGod64

    Pro-Wrestling Thread

    I felt like starting a thread. So yeah, this is a thread for anything Pro-Wrestling related. Post your favorite wrestler, highlights, talk about the latest moments, etc. Post whatever that is Wrestling-related here.
  9. GreenGod64

    Razakel's Ye Ol' Supermarket

    You still have this? if so, I'd like to have it please.
  10. GreenGod64

    Zelpha's Emporium

    You still have this? If so, I'd like to buy it.
  11. GreenGod64

    Gbeat's little shop

    Ok, so I am available all day today.
  12. GreenGod64

    Gbeat's little shop

    I would say that I am available right now but I'll let you sleep. I don't mind waiting.
  13. GreenGod64

    Gbeat's little shop

    I'll take a Star Amplifier please.
  14. GreenGod64

    A> Heart of Lollipop (CLOSED)

    Ok it has been 24 hours now since the initial bid, @Momiji Seems like you are still the Winner!! The auction is over!! (hopefully) Whenever you're ready to trade, just let me know.
  15. GreenGod64

    A> Heart of Lollipop (CLOSED)

    Umm .. CHB: 110 9 Hours left