Recent content by emilia

  1. E

    PSO Chat Log Tool Ver0.70 and Later

    Sorry for the late reply. We do not provide a separate installation manual, but the installation instructions are provided at the top of the readme.txt file. If you do not understand, please ask on this board.
  2. E

    PSO Chat Log Tool Ver0.70 and Later

    Hello everyone. We are pleased to present Ver 0.76 of PSOChatLog. The changes are as follows Fixed a bug in text transmission. -- こんにちは皆さん。 PSOChatLogのVer0.75をお届けいたします。 変更内容は下記のとおりです。 テキスト送信のバグを修正。 --
  3. E

    PSO Chat Log Tool Ver0.70 and Later

    Hello everyone. We are pleased to present Ver 0.75 of PSOChatLog. The changes are as follows Fixed exception error on exit -- こんにちは皆さん。 PSOChatLogのVer0.75をお届けいたします。 変更内容は下記のとおりです。 終了時の例外エラーを改修 --
  4. E

    PSO Chat Log Tool Ver0.70 and Later

    Hello everyone. We are pleased to present Ver 0.74 of PSOChatLog. The changes are as follows Fixed a problem with the translation at hand. (Thanks a lot, Thanx!) -- こんにちは皆さん。 PSOChatLogのVer0.74をお届けいたします。 変更内容は下記のとおりです。 手元での翻訳がうまくいっていなかったのを修正。 (Thanxさんどうもありがとう!) --
  5. E

    PSO Chat Log Tool Ver0.70 and Later

    Hello everyone. We are pleased to present Ver 0.73 of PSOChatLog. The changes are as follows Replaced slangEphinea.csv and slangPSOBB.csv with the ones created by Lapis. (Thanks a lot, Lapis!) Fixed a problem with the translation at hand. (Thanks a lot, Thanx!) -- こんにちは皆さん。...
  6. E

    PSO Chat Log Tool Ver0.70 and Later

    Hello everyone. We are pleased to announce a new version of PSOChatLog. The changes are as follows Changed Simple Mail from Chat view to Mail view. Changed to be able to call INI file search from the main screen. Changed screen layout from font dependent to dot dependent. Thank you for your...
  7. E

    PSO Chat Log Tool Ver0.70 and Later

    Hi. I am very sorry, It seems that 0.70 did not work properly. I am uploading the latest version 0.67, which is functionally identical to 0.70. I will also attach the source files, Please send us the source files. Thank you for your continued support. -- こんにちは 大変申し訳ございませんが、...
  8. E

    PSO Chat Log Tool Ver0.70 and Later

    Today, I have an announcement after a long time. Thank you very much for your patience. We are pleased to bring you the latest edition of PSOChatLog. This is supposed to prevent viruses from getting into the system, I can honestly say that it is not a sure thing. Source code is now available...
  9. E

    Hoi~!! XD

    Hoi~!! XD
  10. E

    バグ報告どうもありがとうございます。 対応させていただきますので、 宜しくお願いいたします。

    バグ報告どうもありがとうございます。 対応させていただきますので、 宜しくお願いいたします。
  11. E

