Recent content by DM 경호

  1. DM 경호

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Can you like stop calling new players or returning players "n00b" please?
  2. DM 경호

    Non-rare drop rate

    All weapons with all photon tiers have a page. In the case of Sabers if you scroll down, you will find the Guide box with links to the other tiers and related pages. It's true though that information on where each photon tier common weapon specifically drops is missing, seems like it's only...
  3. DM 경호

    Non-rare drop rate

    The weapons page has some availability info for common weapons: The weapon types section might answer some of your questions. The weapon drop tables also show you which ID is more likely to drop what type of common weapon...
  4. DM 경호

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Shifta scales linearly per level, the difference in ATP increase from 10 to 15, 20, 30 is significant. Lv10 is not close to max.
  5. DM 경호

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Probably a custom banner by Mercy, she's Ephinea staff. She often helps out new players and shouts out lobbies for people to join.
  6. DM 경호

    Alternate Exp Grinding Methods?

    The wiki has a leveling guide:
  7. DM 경호

    Requesting a review of RBR on behalf of many community members.

    It's not necessarily that people don't want to run other quests. Most people are just too locked in on boosted quests. It creates this sentiment that you have to run only those quests. There are so many wonderful and fun quests available to us many just don't realize exist. And the point of...
  8. DM 경호

    Quick question - Quick answer

    You can check the rewards on each quest page in the wiki. The quests are listed here: You only get one reward per character.