Recent content by CapybaraGaming

  1. CapybaraGaming

    Waiting for infinite Divine Punishment

    Waiting for infinite Divine Punishment
  2. CapybaraGaming

    S> PoSS x2 20pd each

    Title says it all, hmu on discord capybara.enjoyer. (with a dot at the end)
  3. CapybaraGaming

    S > Heart of Plantain Huge Fan x2 13 PDs each

    Title says it all. Hit me up in discord capybara.enjoyer. or CapybaraEnjoyer in main ephinea discord.
  4. CapybaraGaming

    A> 25/0/15/0/25 Heaven Striker CHB 62pds

    updated res to 60 pd
  5. CapybaraGaming

    A> 25/0/15/0/25 Heaven Striker CHB 62pds

    RES is 60 pds. Wants: PDs. Countdown: 24hr Reset: 24hr
  6. CapybaraGaming

    A> Heaven Striker* 20/15/0/0|30 [Done:300pd]

    :o my discord is capybara.enjoyer. or you can find me in eph discord as CapybaraEnjoyer
  7. CapybaraGaming

    A> Jizai +40 [15/0/25/0|40] CHB: 99 PDs

    Sure thing homie
  8. CapybaraGaming

    A> Jizai +40 [15/0/25/0|40] CHB: 99 PDs

    Congrats! I am currently in LA but I might be able to hop on a friend's PC. If not, then I can trade on sunday evening.
  9. CapybaraGaming

    A> Jizai +40 [15/0/25/0|40] CHB: 99 PDs

    2 hours and 50 minutes left :)