Recent content by Asim

  1. Asim

    Ephinea Christmas 2024 Event Thread

    I found DLS with 25h in a random Oran DD2 and a lot of Coals and Presents to sell to Ryojones.
  2. Asim

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Rate of Present dropping in Ult?
  3. Asim

    A tip for Dark Falz phase 3 ^-^

    Dark Flaz is a woman ?
  4. Asim

    [DONE] A> Diska of Braveman 55hit

    100 pd
  5. Asim

    9th Anniversary Event Thread

    I found that post disproportionately rude to what was asked. I only knew where to read the fine print this time because I learned midway through the last event to not just “help myself to read” but really comb over the OP. It is an exceedingly tiny text. But yeah, you can do your part and...
  6. Asim

    9th Anniversary Event Thread

    Was the heal ring always there in AA2? Does AA1 have one too? Not the kinda quest I’d envisage soloing. I’d use a RAmar/l, SQ thru the Meris and then Demons Needle or Baranz Launcher everything. With other chars, I don’t think I’d make it that far (without getting very frustrated). You might...
  7. Asim

    A> Blizzard Club 100h (CHB: 5PD NoMoreName win

    RES: 5 PD Countdown: 48 hr Reset: 24 hr
  8. Asim

    A>Heaven Striker [0/0/0/0|25] CHB:60

    60 PD
  9. Asim

    A>Heaven Striker [0/0/0/0|25] CHB:60

    55 PD
  10. Asim

    If Sonic & friends were PSO characters, what class and ID would you pick?

    Sonic HUmar Knuckles HUcast Rouge HUcaseal Amy HUnewearl Tails RAmar Vector RAcast E102 RAcaseal, on account of the notoriously dismal emotional IQ exhibited by her proponents RAmarl MARIA! Cream FOnewearl Eggman FOnewm Sally FOmarl Shadow FOmar
  11. Asim

    Ephinea Christmas 2023 Event Thread

    I saw a Samba Maracas banner.
  12. Asim

    A> Kunai [0/30/0/0|35]

    10 PD
  13. Asim

    Hello Moutarde

    Hello Moutarde
  14. Asim

    Sadpandas Pandaporium

    I have over 70 Cookies to sell.