Recent content by Archvile

  1. Archvile

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Finally, after spending so long hunting any of my big goals just to come up short, Dark Falz decided to be kind to me today after doing a couple TTF. Took about 15 runs since late December. Stats are [70/85]/[13/25]. Not the best but I don't mind, it's my first red ring on this server.
  2. Archvile

    Kumasanjurou's Shop

    Hello, I would like to purchase FOnewearl Min-Max EP1/EP4 Sato Grey DEF: 5 POW: 36 DEX: 62 MIND: 97 FOnewearl Min-Max EP2 Kama Cream DEF: 5 POW: 43 DEX: 102 MIND: 50 RAmar Min-Max Kama Green DEF: 5 POW: 160 DEX: 35 MIND: 0 if possible, thank you! You can send me a private message...
  3. Archvile

    What Games Are You Playing?

    No way, that's awesome. DOOM is the game that keeps on giving mods that keeps on giving their own mods, truly. Thanks for the link!
  4. Archvile

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I recently finished the superb SNES-inspired turn-based RPG Sea of Stars, which released a little bit over a week ago. Fantastic game through and through and while it doesn't really do anything new with the formula it takes some existing element from other games (such as timed hits/blocks, from...
  5. Archvile

    Ephinea 8th Anniversary Summary

    Nothing, unsurprisingly. Doesn't help though I took part in the event around August 22nd or so, maybe 24th so it's not like I was there since it began. Stopped maybe around the 30th despite the extension, there's just so many banners you can see scroll while you get absolutely nothing and become...
  6. Archvile

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    About a week ago, I figured until I get my units I'd get myself a simple cure/shock in case of Hildetorr farming without the annoyance of getting zapped and shocked constantly by Hildelt. Only took about 5 runs of TE before a Hildeblue popped and gave me the cure/shock in question. Just quick...
  7. Archvile

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Man, I was angry just looking at this. Godamn Gi Gues...not once but twice in a row? Ouch.. ;_; So, with exp week going on, I figured I should get my RAcast to Ultimate! Naturally, I looked through the drop chart for Whitill just in case something might be worth hunting during the leveling...
  8. Archvile

    Momiji's shop (Update Jan 12, 2025)

    Hey there I would like to purchase the followings: Mag LV5 [Azure] 2pd Mag LV5 [Royal Purple] 2pd Mag LV5 [Emerald] 2pd Mag LV5 [Plum] 2pd Mag LV5 [Violet] 2pd If possible! Can send me a PM on here or add me on discord whenever you'd like to trade. c: Thanks!
  9. Archvile

    Almalexia's Shop [Updated 05.14.23]

    I would be interested in purchasing a Ruby, Goldenrod & Sapphire MAGS! I'm on discord where you can send me a friend request but also can PM me here if you're interested in trading. Thank you!
  10. Archvile

    Craig's Custom Mags - Closed

    Here I am again, would love to purchase one of your Min-Max HUnewearl Sato (M+Y, E, P) (5/95/100/0), if possible! That RAmarl Sato you sold me has been put to fantastic use and I thank you again for it.
  11. Archvile

    Been a good 2 or 3 weeks since I returned and, while the forum are a lot more silent, it's good...

    Been a good 2 or 3 weeks since I returned and, while the forum are a lot more silent, it's good to see the overall community is as friendly and approachable as ever. That is one aspect of PSO that always have me return to it.
  12. Archvile

    Hi, don't know what to put there

    Welcome to Ephinea! You'll find this community to be a welcoming one, don't be scared to involve yourself with others and join in on the fun! If I see your name in the game list I'll hop in and give a hand. Have fun and happy hunting!
  13. Archvile

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Since my last post regarding the Swordsman Lore, that same day I decided to go after a pair of S-Red Arms, while not the most useful it's nice to have a tiny S/D LV3 buff occasionally. My method of hunting was Endless Nightmare #3 with a reset after the 2nd room. Meaning I had 3 Sinow Red to...
  14. Archvile

    What is your current or ultimate goal?

    Just hunting an SJS. It doesn't matter even if it's crap percentages, all 0's, or no hit. It's not like I hunted every damn rares there i but I always wanted to hunt my own SJS since SCHTserv, even before that. Once I obtain it I can probably "retire", for a lack of better word, happily from PSO.
  15. Archvile

    Arsuru's Mag Orphanage

    Hey there! I would like to purchase the following for FOmarl: Sato [5/68/48/79] [M|E|P] I'll take the red one, thank you. I should be available all night so we can trade whenever you see fit.