Recent content by AijiFurupsu

  1. AijiFurupsu

    Game crashing after about 15ish minutes.

    The Af? Usuially I never had that on, I only recently try turning it on to see if it would help against the crashes.
  2. AijiFurupsu

    Game crashing after about 15ish minutes.

    I was always at high end settings, in the picture there, is my settings I am trying now to see if something works better.
  3. AijiFurupsu

    Game crashing after about 15ish minutes.

    Simular issiues, but my game crashes randomly. Like one day it crashed everytime a ttf quest was completed at the counter, but any other time it has been maybe a warp, or standing still in the poineerr 2 ep 1 bank etc... There is no pattern I can descern, I could be running through the ruins or...