Im a weird one. (Pso tattoo guy)

Hello everyone, my names Mark. I have a weird story as some of you may already know.

Played back in the dreamcast days as I'm a older fart now. Back then I never really got into the super high levels, but it provided comfort and joy at a time of my life that was great fun playing this game.

9 years ago on a random whim I got a Rabarta tattoo on my arm, I had moved on from playing and kinda gave up due to issues with private servers etc. I didn't get any other ink again until a new neighbor moved in next door who happened to be a tattoo artist.

Now she said one day, why don't you get something else done? And me being me replied, 'i always like those poison lilies from this old game I used to play'

So now I have Rabarta, two lilies, the circle glyph (in progress) and soon to be apsaras mag (apt on wednesday) done on my arm. It's turned into a patchwork sleeve pretty much dedicated to pso.

Funny thing is I haven't played in years, but I still lurk around psoworld and now here as it seems the only real option for a good community to this game.

One day I will pickup the controller again and start anew on this lovely server, but until then I will just permanently dedicate my right arm to this fantastic game that has given me so much throughout my childhood.

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Side note. Other ideas to incorporate into sleeve are some meseta scattered around, red weapon box possibly? Maybe a red ring for my favorite gal Rico. Another mag, tapas and rati are aestheticly pleasing. I really like the pso font too, might get something written in that.

At this point it's past moderation, 4/5 pieces so far are pso related, might as well keep going with the theme, haha.
Oh god, those megid lillies! I hate those damn things. Died more times to them than Dark Falz (well maybe not, but it's pretty close!) Anyway cool tats (especially the PSO symbol) and welcome to Ephinea. I've just joined myself from Ultima and am having a great time so far. Hopefully you have the same experience when you finally start playing!
Wow! That elbow work hurts! We ran late, plus it was starting to get quite sore.

Slightly modified color scheme

Apsaras will be complete in 2 weeks. Need to give this portion time to heal and then we can finish it up!

I love it!


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*Kneels and places head to floor in humble Awe!* You sir, put Any thoughts of what mew had called 'dedication' to the Game to Shame! WOW...just....WOW! Think we have a few inked players and artists/piercers here with nice tats showing their passion and devotion to this precious Gem of a game ...but, Dayuuuum! <3! We are Happy to count you amongst us as Family and look forward to pouncing and playing wiff you! Welcome Home!
Hi Harborer of Hope! Thank you very much for your compliments but the dedication really is within you guys! Keeping this gem going years beyond its expectancy and making it available for everyone is the true honor and dedication. I should be kneeling before you =)

I'm just a guy who got carried away. Instead of stepping on the brakes, I'be been gassing it up.

Seemed silly to stop at just the one. Plus PSOs art style is superb. I kind of wish I planned more of a design out. At the moment it's all patchwork art, but another medium size piece or two with some filler it should meld all together.

I hope to have time soon to really sit down and get back into playing. My daughter is turning 1 this month and she's been keeping us busy lately. Weekend nights will probably be my only free opportunity, I hope to see some of you on soon!
My god, those look beautiful! I especially love the shoulder glyph, works really well. Also... no Rappies?
Firstly, sorry for the horrible quality. I'll get the Mrs to take a better picture this weekend. Harder then you think to get a good angle on your own elbow...

Haha anyway, got the Apsaras finished. Looks great up close (give me time, lol) but hurt like hell!

Thinking of a rag rappy sitting in a pile of meseta next. That'll go in my armpit upper arm area. Forearm is still open and ripe for ideas.

All seriousness, I would like suggestions. I'm thinking of maybe another Mag, Rico herself as a pinup? :p maybe just some environment stuff. Telepipe.

Help me out. Haha when the bigger pieces are done the filler is going to be all hex and space (stars etc) just to wrap everything together


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This is great man, props.
I agree with the others, gotta have a Rappy somewhere, definitely!

I also like Skyefallen's idea of a quote somewhere. I've always liked one of the final lines from Rico's message capsules, "This is proof of my existence." The line would make sense within your body art even to someone not familiar with PSO, but even cooler for those who know the reference. And it's nice and short!
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man, you're really doing it!

i've been debating between that PSO "crest" to incorporate into the design of the rest of my sleeve, or a transmutation circle from FMA. finances are looking good this year, but i have to work through my indentured servitude student loans before i can drop money on tattoos. :cool:
Firstly, sorry for the horrible quality. I'll get the Mrs to take a better picture this weekend. Harder then you think to get a good angle on your own elbow...

Haha anyway, got the Apsaras finished. Looks great up close (give me time, lol) but hurt like hell!

Thinking of a rag rappy sitting in a pile of meseta next. That'll go in my armpit upper arm area. Forearm is still open and ripe for ideas.

All seriousness, I would like suggestions. I'm thinking of maybe another Mag, Rico herself as a pinup? :p maybe just some environment stuff. Telepipe.

Help me out. Haha when the bigger pieces are done the filler is going to be all hex and space (stars etc) just to wrap everything together
What if you got the bosses on the forearm, or maybe the gol and sil dragon circling each other in an infinity loop?