League of Legends



How many other people have played this game? I'm gonna guess a good number of people here have at least heard of the game.

I've played since season 0, so 6+ years. Ya know, if we wanna talk toxicity, have I got the thread for you.

I don't think there's been any other game, that made me actively pray for other players to get cancer over a video game. Good times. :)

How many other people have played this game? I'm gonna guess a good number of people here have at least heard of the game.

I've played since season 0, so 6+ years. Ya know, if we wanna talk toxicity, have I got the thread for you.

I don't think there's been any other game, that made me actively pray for other players to get cancer over a video game. Good times. :)
I played it a lot of times, a very fun game.
I've never had a problem with toxic people. I just say "yea dood" or "tu sabes" and then I mute them.
I've never had a problem with toxic people. I just say "yea dood" or "tu sabes" and then I mute them.

Never had a problem with toxic people in League? Impossibles. :p You can mute your teammates, but you can't mute intentional feeding and other little things it seems will happen from time to time. Also, "tu sabes?" What's that? :eek:

I played it a lot of times, a very fun game.

Have you played ranked?

Maybe it's just the ranked mode that brings out the worst of people. Let's go double jungle Teemo/Shen comp, you'll cry bloody tears while stuck in the match for a hour losing another hour of League points. Oh, the humanity. It is a good game, a lot of emotions get added to it though.
"tu sabes?" What's that?

"Tu sabes" means 'you know' in Spanish. I actually say "Ya tu sabes" which means 'you already know' or 'now you know'.

Have you played ranked?

Yea people do stupid shit but I have a solid mindset in ranked games. I always critique myself. Whether the enemy outplayed me or I just made a stupid mistake. If a game is lost I always think 'I'll just win the next game, it's whatever'. I don't pay attention to my teammates. In fact, I could care less about what my teammates do. So long as I do well.
Never had a problem with toxic people in League? Impossibles. :p You can mute your teammates, but you can't mute intentional feeding and other little things it seems will happen from time to time. Also, "tu sabes?" What's that? :eek:

Have you played ranked?

Maybe it's just the ranked mode that brings out the worst of people. Let's go double jungle Teemo/Shen comp, you'll cry bloody tears while stuck in the match for a hour losing another hour of League points. Oh, the humanity. It is a good game, a lot of emotions get added to it though.
No, I don't play ranked, I usually play Normal Draft.
No, I don't play ranked, I usually play Normal Draft.

I play ranked almost exclusively...Got all the rune pages, runes, champions and stuff. All that's left is a salty experience for me at the moment. :( Waiting for Season 7 currently.

When the server change happened last year, did a number to the ping in Alaska as well. 110 ms is a bitch to play high skillcap champions with.
What is your rank?

Merely gold I'm afraid, get no satisfaction of being a bad bronze or godlike diamond I'm afraid. Although to be honest, I was damn near platinum before the server move nerfed my lag to 110 ms. Now I could be platinum easily with scripts and such on my system, but I kinda just play every year to get gold and retire. Long as I'm shiny I figure. :D
Does anyone like the new Assassins rework for preseason. I like Talon's one for now. For Kat, meh, I don't like how you have to pick up the blade if you want to do a spin attack. More Assassins to come by.
Does anyone like the new Assassins rework for preseason. I like Talon's one for now. For Kat, meh, I don't like how you have to pick up the blade if you want to do a spin attack. More Assassins to come by.

I've been hearing about the changes for a while, haven't played with any of them myself yet. Waaaay too many changes at once to be balanced though, I'm sure... If it's anything like the juggernaut patch with Garen/Morde/etc last year...

Riot, what have you done?
Does anyone like the new Assassins rework for preseason. I like Talon's one for now. For Kat, meh, I don't like how you have to pick up the blade if you want to do a spin attack. More Assassins to come by.
LOL What has League become? Why does everything need to be a fucking minigame? Next thing you know Xin Zhao's rework will require you to run around the map picking up mini Xin Zhao spears.

Talon seems a bit ridiculous with his parkour abilities but I dunno as I haven't seen him yet. Kat really needs a minigame to go along with her? Do minigames make champions more fun? I don't understand.

Anyways. Add me on League. I got two accounts. One of them decayed to Plat 5 (Raquel Torres) and the other I stopped at Gold I (viktorbigballz). I'm a Diamond Teemo player. Just so you know I ONLY play Teemo. I'm a one trick pony, I just learn one champ to take me to Diamond. Maybe I play Nautilus support but that's it, 2 roles.
Remember when League was fun? Yeah, it's been a while. Every new ultimate is some kind of invincible/invulnerable for the whole team,every new champ has a blink skill, multiple use tool-kit, elo boosters get cheaper and easier every year, and scripts...

Diamond, that's pretty impressive. I thought there was something different about you Scooby...


Why play if you aren't having fun ; ;
Do minigames make champions more fun? I don't understand.

No, they do not make them fun.

And they make them less fun to play against as well (eg: "Oh great I'm laning against Fiora, now I have to play her minigame")
Why play if you aren't having fun ; ;

It's pretty much confirmed at this point most players that play "ranked" aren't having "fun" every match, or most matches even... it's more like going to the gym and working out. Feels good to get better, get that shiny rank, pwn some n00borzs, when you win a hard match and get that elo, good shit, you earned this.

On the flip side, getting into a damn near hour game to have that happen to you...Not fun. Opposite of fun, it's like showing up to work, some ignorant customer shows up, slaps your face, shits on your floor, and the next thing, you get fired for not being to able to handle the situation "properly". What the fuck?

Win some, lose some.
It's pretty much confirmed at this point most players that play "ranked" aren't having "fun" every match, or most matches even... it's more like going to the gym and working out. Feels good to get better, get that shiny rank, pwn some n00borzs, when you win a hard match and get that elo, good shit, you earned this.

On the flip side, getting into a damn near hour game to have that happen to you...Not fun. Opposite of fun, it's like showing up to work, some ignorant customer shows up, slaps your face, shits on your floor, and the next thing, you get fired for not being to able to handle the situation "properly". What the fuck?

Win some, lose some.

Think of League like Math. I know I'm cliche with my math but it's a great example. No one enjoys math. A lot of people say they do because they understand numbers. Crunching numbers. But when math becomes abstract, out of the box, complex, people lose it. They can no longer understand what's going on. It turns them off, now they have to learn math once again from the ground up. It's work. Learning something new is fun but it has to be something you love.

I have to read pages and pages of proofs and theorems remembering definitions. Sometimes I spend entire days on just one proof. Finally, once I understand it I look back at the proof and I can rewrite it, explain it, prove it. I apply the theorems I learned over the course of many days to my problems. Suddenly math becomes fun. Why? Because I understand it, because I can sit down for hours on end solving problems. Now it's time to move to more complex things. BOOM. Not fun anymore. I have to learn again, this time not from the ground up but from the foundation I built previously.

Haha, now to actually talk about League. League is the same way. Most of the players who want to climb high are like students. They understand a decent amount of their material but they are not masters at it. When you're in your Gold, Plat or whatever elo, you're comfortable there. That's the material you understand. Now it's time to learn new material, to play the big boys but learning the new concepts become like studying. You have to focus now. When you make mistakes that cost you you're lane, especially in top there's almost no coming back, it's like failing an exam. It sucks, it's a slap in the face but you have to try better next time.

There's a ton of management to the game. People don't just win because they are good. They win because they understand the champion they play, their weaknesses, their strengths, how much damage they can do and how much the enemy can do. This is why people can climb with Teemo or Heimerdinger, one trick ponies (as much as people say one trick ponies are bad, they aren't). They make it look easy just as a professor makes his material look easy. They put a lot of time into their game.

Once you reach the level you desired I'm sure you'll be having fun. If you seriously want to climb the game won't be fun, I'm sorry that's just what it is. If you just play and intend to climb by just sticking with the same play style you'll have fun but you won't climb past your skill level. This is why I see Plat I's hanging just outside of Diamond. They are good but not good enough. They think if they keep playing game after game they might just make it but they ascend and descend over and over, never breaking through. They aren't developing themselves. While the good players fly past their 100's of games in Plat in just 5 games.

Lol I wrote an essay.
See? Not fun.
Lol I wrote an essay.

See? Not fun.

(Okay, I read it all, but damn...)

And I'd argue that a lot of "getting gud," has a lot less to do with personal skill, and a lot more with simply working with the team/meta, not going on tilt, all that "fun" stuff. It's math for you, it's the gym for me. Another problem is, can't really play with any of my friends/brothers on League, they all bad/lag/tilt-able. So I'm stuck in my little golden bubble, or ditch everybody and rise to the shinier toxic players.

Or download some scripts. Bar that, elo boost your way to ultimate victory. :cool:
simply working with the team/meta, not going on tilt
I mean the meta will help you climb for sure. If you want to follow it. Not going on tilt is an important one but an easy one. If you're losing lane just try not to fall farther behind even if that means missing cs. Most likely the enemy laner won't know what to do with their advantage. It's the better ones who punish you for a simple mistake.

they all bad/lag/tilt-able. So I'm stuck in my little golden bubble, or ditch everybody and rise to the shinier toxic players.
It's up to you to carry the game. It's solo Q. It's possible at your elo. As for toxic players? I dunno where everyone gets that from. I've never had a problem with toxic players. Maybe 1 or 2 every 50 games. People are only toxic if you can't show them you belong in that elo. I get flamed for playing Teemo. If I lose they blame me but if I win they respect the Teemo. Obviously there is an MMR where the players just do not understand the game at all and they will blame their mistakes on others but they are trash players who belong in a dumpster. Put them in their place.

Tell you what kid. Add me. If you do voice chat which I highly recommend, hop in it. League is about communication. Don't be Sklyar and go silent boy in games. I doubt I'll carry since I don't have the care to try hard anymore but I still like to win.