You can't blame players that aren't saving you in time. If you join a Normal mode party, expect to be threated like a normal player. I usually save dead players when I'm done with the ennemies I'm fighting, and I'm not the only one doing so.
Also, Alt+Backspace needs to be fixed. What's the purpose of playing Hardcore if you fear death and you leave the party when you run out of Scape Doll ? It's basically making the game much easier and faster to grind than Normal mode, which isn't Hardcore at all.
Ya see I don't understand that. Surely it's more beneficial for you and the party to res the person, when you don't have to move, just press one button then carry on as you were. Idc about my scapes or me being revived (personally) but when I see a dead player lay on the ground (normal or HC), I res INSTANTLY if I am in range. The only delay is if I am mid combo but thats not that long. And a person stood there not resing and doing more combos? Makes no sense to me, when it's just one button. It just forces another player to run across the room (always me running across) to res the other player. Suppose it can depend on the situation. But ID be pissed if someone ran over my dead body if I was on normal or HC account regardless of doll.
As for alt bs yes, we all agree it's been said 100 times. And I agree, I hate to do it (the amount of times I run around dollless is more than people think). But just because it's there doesn't mean it's used. Some people do and some people don't. I'd agree that hardcore is easy, but the game is easy in general for anyone who knows how to play / has experience. A few newbies struggle in the early levels but deaths other than that are generally caused by your own mistakes (forgetting dolls). Doesn't stop it being hardcore.
You know what defines the mode as hardcore, one thing and that thing is the possibility of loosing a character. Regardless of how easy it is to avoid, and regardless of how easy the game is. In other games it's the same, (possibility to loose all, easy ways to escape). I feel as if people see the word 'hardcore' and then make their own judgements on what the word is and what that means to them, 'thats easy, I could do that, imo anyone could, so it can't be hardcore' etc, yes it's easy mode to you, and many many others. Yes it's not hardcore for you and many many others. But it's still 'hardcore mode' because of that possibility of death, regardless of how easily avoidable it is. People concentrate too much on the word 'hardcore' instead of just letting players play. Your not playing it so stop bashing and undermining it.
Besides, without alt bs you can pipe, you can lobby, you can turn your WiFi off. Heck prolly a million ways to avoid death if you were that way inclined. It's going to happen. Thats life. If you don't play it or have any desire to play it because for you it's not your ideal of what hardcore is then why bother giving any imput on the matter? I'm not running around telling you how you should play or what you should do and why your not doing this right blah blah.
Sure:3 only thing I'm doing now is trying to farm a 4 slotted frame and find some HP boosting items or defense boosting items. Got a gen/bod and gen/hp so I don't die in 1 hit for the most part.
Cool man. Yeah gotta play it safe, if you see any of the guys in team HC they will all lend a hand so just ask