

all (or almost all) of the stuff on this list that wasnt given away by appointment was left on the ground in a free stuff room.

28/6/2016 (First day recorded): V501 > 1pd to Bagarozy
8pd > 28/0 Black Hound Cuirass, 2 Heaven Striker Coat, God/Mind to Kyu
29/6/2016: Demon's Raygun +1 0 25 0 0 35, Demon's Laser +2 40 0 0 40 45 > 2pds to Eistee
30/6/2016: 15 pds > S-parts ver2.01 to Kyu
25/7/2016: Slicer of Fanatic +30 15 20 0 0 20 > V101, Centurion/Ability, 15pds to
2/8/2016: V501 > 1pd to Zero641
Charge Arms 0 40 45 0 50 > 1pd to Dab
10/8/2016: Gods Shield "Seiryu" > 1PC to Antonymous
14/8/2106: Zalure disk LV30 > 1pd to Dumasse
18/8/2016: Soul Edge > 1pd to Ayria
24/8/2016: V101 > 10pds to RoboDomo
27/8/2016: V101 > 2x V801 to disagree

Charge Calibur +3 30 0 0 0 45 (shop bulk) 1 given to @Dumasse
Zero Divide 0 0 0 0 0 given to @Innes
Hell Gungnir 0 50 50 0 50 given to @Dumasse
Gush Gungnir +10 0 0 35 55 45 given to @Dumasse
Gae Bolg 0 0 0 25 -5 fuck
Diska of Braveman +9 0 15 20 0 20 given to @Antonymous
Charge Raygun +15 0 0 0 10 50 given to @astallasalion
Charge Raygun +4 0 0 25 0 50 (shop bulk, have 7)
Charge Raygun +9 35 0 0 35 50 given to @Spuz
Hell Laser 0 0 0 0 35 given to @Laputa
Arrest Vulcan +4 0 30 0 0 45
Charge Vulcan +9 0 50 0 0 50 given to @blother
Geist Vulcan +4 0 0 30 0 55
L&K14 Combat 0 0 0 0 -5
L&K14 Combat 0 0 5 0 -5
Charge Arms +1 0 0 15 0 45 (shop bulk, have 4) 1 given to @Antonymous 1 given to @Maory @ 1 given to @blother 1 given to @BlitzkriegAJ
Stag Cutlery 0 0 -5 0 -5
Soul Banish 0 0 0 10 0 given to @lloyd327
Last Swan +9 0 0 0 0 0 reserved for @chicafren
Frozen Shooter 0 0 0 0 0 given to @Styx
BESERK Needle +70 (no spec) given to @Archivebit
Sange 0 0 0 -5 0
Oran Card 0 0 0 0 0 given to @Numen
Morning Glory 0 0 0 15 0 given to @Xirvi
Gal Wind +15 0 0 0 0 20 given to @fishhao
Rage de Feu 0 0 0 0 0
Clio 30 0 0 0 0 given to @disagree
Tyrell's Parasol 20 0 0 10 0 given to @Xirvi
Tyrell's Parasol 0 0 15 0 0
Luminous Field 246/133/1s given to @Jyuki
Love Heart 196/140/4s given to @PinkaI
Black Hound Cuirass 328/-200/0s given to @CritDraw
Congeal Cloak 168/143/0s
Cursed Cloak 176/154/4s given to @Rune
S-Parts ver2.01 30/70 given to @ealonzo
Secret Gear 80/110 given to a random noob
Gods Shield "Genbu" 50/85
Red Merge 2/25 given to @Jyuki
Blue Barrier 4/29 given to @Kyu777 muhboi
Red Barrier 7/27 given to @Ayria
Three Seals given to @Cleric
Tripolic Reflector 145/243 given to @Nina
Gods Shield "Kouryu" given to @Spuz
Gods Shield "Kouryu"
Gods Shield "Kouryu"
Purple Ring reserved for @Ratix
God/Mind given to @Maory
God/Arm given to @Sohot1
God/HP given to @Peppercat
Hero/Ability given to @Sohot1
Devil/Battle given to @Sohot1
Cure/Paralysis given to @Nina
Cure/Confuse given to @guybasil
Cure/Freeze given to @guybasil
Cure/Freeze given to @Xirvi
Yasakani Matagama
V101 sold to @RoboDomo for 10pds because i forgot about his comment
V501 given to @blother
V501 given to @Styx
V801 given to @NDW muhboi
Swordsman Lore (0 kills) given to @Sato
Divine Protection given to @AgentFearless
Divine Protection reserved for @Ratix
Heavenly/Battle given to @Nina
Heavenly/Mind given to @basketofseals
Heavenly/Mind given to @Bionicle
Heavenly/Arms given to @RyzaJr
Heavenly/Arms given to @Antonymous
Heavenly/Arms given to @Kamui
Centurion/Ability given to @Dab
Friend Ring
PB/Increase given to @Cyb3r_ZER0
PB/Increase given to @Aizen
Kama 60/107/200 5/28/27/0 MY/L/P given to @Xirvi
Vritra 33/65/43 14/0/0/19 -/L/-
Sato (Pink) 200/120/200 5/76/52/67 MY/E/P
given to @Eistee
Tellusis 200/63/200 5/135/60/0 MY/E/P given to @Spicy McNoodle
Rappy 200/14/200 15/0/0/185 G/L/MY given to @Yata
Deband LV15
Jellen LV15 given to @BlitzkriegAJ
Zalure LV15 given to @BlitzkriegAJ
Resta LV15
Resta LV15
Resta LV20 given to @Maory
Resta LV20
Megid LV26
Megid LV26
Foie LV29
Foie LV29
Foie LV29
Foie LV29
Foie LV29
Foie LV29
Barta LV29
Barta LV29
Barta LV29
Barta LV29
Gibarta LV29
Gibarta LV29
Rabarta LV29
Rabarta LV29
Zonde LV29
Shifta LV30 given to @blother
Shifta LV30 given to @Cleric
Resta LV30
Resta LV30
Resta LV30
Resta LV30
Resta LV30
Resta LV30

Grinds: 402 (up to 201) 201 given to @Bagarozy 201 given to @Mizalie

Power Material x45 reserved for @richarddavis
Mind Material x148 (up to 50) 49 given to @Kyu777 99 given to @Cleric
Evade Material x111
HP Material x21 given to @cyclic
TP Material x19 (up to 10) 10 given to @Peppercat 9 reserved for @Noir
Def Material x154
Luck Material x11 (up to 6) 6 given to @falkenjeff 5 given to @Powder Keg

S-Beat's Arms
Delsaber's Left Arm
Gigobooma's Right Arm
De Rol Le Shell
Amplifier of Barta
Amplifier of Red
Tablet given to @astallasalion
Dragon Scale given to @CTB
Heaven Striker Coat reserved for @Rayzen
Heaven Striker Coat
Soul Edge x2
King's Striker x9
Valentine's Chocolate (what do these do)
Valentine's Chocolate
Valentine's Chocolate


sexy Inferno Bazookas (h% preferred, 55+ other %s maybe)


Regen Gear Adv.
Shouren / h% Shouren
h% Guren

Blue-Black Stone
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dammit i didnt even mean to put that on there. its VIP until i get a better one, sorry
i need ur fs and one of your d/battles, bish. my name on the server is CustomGro420
I'd like your Cell of Mag 502, but I'm a cheapskate and want to offer less than your stated price. I can offer a combination of Luck Materials and PDs.

e: found how to get one shortly after making this post!
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Hello, not too sure if this thread is still active, but I'd like the Hero/Ability, Devil/Battle, and whatever teampoint trash rares you seem to have. I'm a new player looking for some simple gear to start me off.
I'll buy that Galatine if you still have it. Have 5 PDs spare and a bunch of other stuff on my trade list.